Chapter 2

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Author Note: Here's Chapter 2 of the story. Did I make Tokiya to mean in the last chapter? How are the other STARISH members and Quarter Night members going to redeem themselves. Also what is Otoya going to do will she leave STARISH and do her own thing or will the boys chase after her?


            After I calmed down a bit from what happened at the beach, I headed back so I could grab my things and head back to the master course dorms. When I got back I heard something I never thought I would, "If Otoya can't tell us her true gender, then we can go on without her." I heard Tokiya say. "T-Tokiya?" I said with my eyes wide. " that what you all think?" I asked as I looked down. I heard someone walking up to me. " know we don't." I heard Natsuki say. He tried to pull me into an embrace, but I flinched away and looked up seeing Reiji, Ren, and Cecil shaking their heads in a no fashion, while everyone else looked down. That tells me their choice. "So most of you do.." I said quietly. "I see.." I said and looked up with watery eyes and gave them a smile. "I'll go," I told them. "I'll get of the way of your goals." I told them and walked off leaving my things there. I heard Natsuki yell for me but I just ignored him. I was gonna tell them sooner or later, but I just didn't know how to explain to them. As I walked down the streets, a news van rolled up and stopped next to me. "Are you Otoya Ittoki from STARISH?" The news reporter asked me. I just nodded to the man. "How would you like to be an our news channel tonight?" The man asked. "I-I'm not really in the-" I tried to say but the man cut me off. "Wonder!" He said. "We air at 8 tonight, don't be late!" He said as the van drove off. I sighed, looks like I have no choice. I thought to myself as I continued walking again. I thought about what I was going to wear when I realize I mostly male clothes and a few female clothes locked in a box. "I'm not hiding it anymore." I said out loud. "I'm going to admit it to everyone on the news channel." I said to myself. After awhile of walking, I arrived back at the Master Course dorm. I looked around the dorm room and walked to my closet. I pulled out a new outfit. The outfit I pulled out consisted of a black red sleeveless shirt with jean shorts and red converses. I smiled to myself and went to the bathroom to change into the clothes. I took a shower, after getting out I almost put the binder back on before I shook my head and threw it away. "I wont need that anymore." I said to myself and put on my new outfit. I looked at myself in the mirror and nodded. I walked out of the room and headed towards the entrance to Master Course dorms. When I went to open the door, it opened and in walked the boys. They looked at me in shock, I guess from what I was wearing. I ignored them and tried to walk pass them. That didn't work seeing how there was 10 guys all standing in the doorway wanting to get in. I moved out of the way to let them in. After all them were in, Reiji spoke up. "Otoyan, you look nice." He said. "Thank you Reiji-sempai." I said. "Where are you going?" Syo asked me. "I'm going out to buy an outfit, I'll be doing something tonight." I muttered. "You can't leave, we have practice." Tokiya said. "You can do that without me cant you." I said sarcastically repeating what he said. He glared at me a bit and I laughed. "See ya." I said and walked out. I began walking and I heard someone walk up to me. "Ikki." I turned and saw Ren. "Sorry about them." He said. I giggled at him and smiled. "Don't apologize for them," I said. "Wanna come?" I asked him and he nodded. "You sure?" He asked me. "It's fine seriously, but I don't know if I can stay." I told him as we began walking again. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean, I don't know I can stay with STARISH," I said. "It's going to be tense with everyone now." I said. He nodded in understanding. "But I'll keep contact with some of you." I told him. "I'll be announcing it tonight at 8 on Tokyo News 6." I told him. He nodded. "I'll make sure everyone watches." He told me as we arrived in down after awhile of walking. "Thanks Ren." I said to him. As we walked around looking for a store, we talked about random things ranging from our favorite music to our favorite animes. We walked into one store and began looking around for me something to wear. He went towards the dresses, while I walked over to the t-shirts and pants thinking I could find something there. While I was looking a couple of girls walked over to me. They tapped me on my shoulder and I looked at them. "Are you Otoya Ittoki?" They asked me. I nodded and turned to face them. "Your not Otoya Ittoki, he's a guy." One of them said. I gave a laugh and smiled at them. "What if I told your I was secretly hiding my gender." I whispered to them. "Would you believe me?" The looked at each other than looked at me closely. They gasped. "You are Otoya." They said. I nodded once again. "Yep, but don't tell anyone, I explain on the news tonight at 8." I told them as I told them which news station it was. They nodded and asked to take a picture before leaving. I waved as they left, and Ren walked up to me. "I think I found a good outfit for you." He said as he pulled me towards the dresses. He showed me one that was black and gold in color with high heeled short boots. "Its beautiful." I said as I looked at it. I picked it up and went to a dressing room to try it on. After putting on the outfit and shoes I walked out of the dressing room and gave a spin for Ren. "Well?" I asked him. "Its nice." He said smiling. "Well you did pick it." I laughed as he laughed with me.  I went back into the dressing room and changed back into my other clothes. When I walked out we went to the check out and bought the outfit. After doing that, I checked my phone to see what time it was. It was later than I thought, it was an hour before the show started. When I saw the time, I told Ren I had to head to the studio. He told me he would head back to the dorms and tell the others. I nodded and began walking to the studio. Once I arrived they took me into a dressing room to get ready. The people who do our hair and make up weren't surprised that I was girl. After putting on the outfit Ren and I had just bought I was ready. I headed to the stage. I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Reiji-sempai. "Good Luck!" It read. I smiled and when my name was called to come on, I headed over to the other seat next to the main seat. "Live in 3...2...1..." The camera man pointed to the newscasters and the show began. "Welcome to Tokyo News 6." The woman (Who will be name Erica) said. "Today we have a special guest...please welcome Otoya Ittoki from STARISH!" The man from earlier (Who will be name Masahiro) said as the camera turned towards me. I waved at the camera flashing a smile. "Hello." I said. "We've invited Otoya here for a little interview." Masahiro said as he turned towards me. "But one thing before we begin the actual interview." He said. "You're dressed like a girl, why is that?" He asked me. I smiled at him. "Well, the thing is I'm a girl, always have always will." I told him. He nodded. "Well Miss Ittoki, how about we begin." He said. I nodded as they pulled up questions on a TV for them to read. "Ok the viewers have sent in questions for the this segment." Erica said as she read the first question. "From (Insert name) asks: How has it been performing with STARISH so far?" She said. I thought about it for a moment. "It's definitely been a fun time,: I said. "A lot of things have happened since we all met at Saotome Academy and the Master Course." I said, The two nodded as Masahiro read the next question/ "From (Insert name): Why did you hide your gender?" He read off. "Well I've been doing it ever since my mom (adoptive) died, when I was younger." I said. Erica read off the next question. "From (insert name): Can you tell us any funny memories that've you made so far?" I had to think about that one for a bit. "One that I can think of off the top of my head would probably be when we were trying to help Masato practice for a role in a historic film." I said laughing a bit. "Everything was perfect, but he could never get the embrace down, until he had a talk with our newest member Cecil." I told. The two laughed and shook their heads. "I does sound like it was a fun time." Masahiro said reading the next question. "From (insert name): One of the scariest/saddest moments?" He read off. "When we first started as STARISH." I told them. "One of our members, Tokiya Ichinose, was late a lot to our practices everyday but we didn't know why." I said. "I was his roommate and still I never noticed how he was over working himself trying to keep up with his job and our practice time for our graduation concert, he passed out one day when he was being brought back to the school. " I said looking down. "One day...he didn't show up at all...We called him multiple times not knowing that someone he cared dearly for had been put in the hospital. After he had left the hospital, he called me and tried to tell me where he was but before he could finish his phone disconnect." I said. "His phone had died. He had told us after he returned that someone he knew was in the hospital, that his phone had died, that the rain that night had been horrible, plus he had gotten in a traffic jam. And who he really was." I said. "It was scary not knowing what was going on, that same day we pretty much promised as a group not to hide anything else...but I guess I broke that." I said giving a small smile. The two nodded. "Well the shows almost over, is there anything you would like to say?" Erica asked me. I nodded and looked at the camera. "Starting now I-I will be taking a break from STARISH." I said as everyone in the studio looked at me in shock. After snapping back into reality, they ended the show. I walked into my dressing room and grabbed my things before leaving and heading back to the master course. I caught a ride in a Uber (Taxi or whatever you want it to be), who took me most of the way. I gave the driver some money then began walking through the woods to the dorms. When I arrived, I walked to the main area. When I walked into the area, I didn't just see STARISH and Quartet Night, but also Nanami, Tomochika, Ringo-sensei, Hyuga-sensei, and Shinning. Shining was holding something in his hand, it looked like an envelope of some kind. "Guys?" I said. They turned and looked at me. Nanami, Ringo-sensei, Reiji-sempai, and Natsuki looked like they had cried at some point. "Otoya." Shining said as he walked towards me. He handed me the envelope before stepping back. "Open it." He said. I did as I was told and opened it. I pulled out the paper that was in there when I saw what it was. "A DNA test?" I said as I looked through it. The information I found shocked me as I saw who it said my father was. "Y...Your my father?!" I yelled in shock. Shinning nodded. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I asked him. "I didn't know if you believe me at first so I went to get a DNA test." He said. "How did you get my DNA." I asked him. "We have cups." He said. "And you guys use the same one every day." He explained. "Oh." I said. He nodded. "Oh and Cecil is your half-brother." He said. I looked at Cecil and saw him nodding. "I guess that's why we got along so well." I said smiling at him. Shining left as did Ringo and Hyuga-sensei's. I looked at the group in front of me. "Are you really leaving STARISH?" Syo asked me. "I'm just taking a leave for awhile until everything's calm down a bit." I said to him. "What will you be doing?" Natsuki asked. "I still got job offers that I can take up." I explained. "You'll still see me around." I said and walked to my room not knowing I was being followed by Tokiya. I walked into my doom room and went to shut the door, when Tokiya stopped the door and walked in. I looked at him. "What do you want?" I asked him. "Why are you really leaving." He asked me softly crossing his arms. I sighed and sat on the bottom bed of the bunk bed. "I'm just taking a little break Tokiya, seriously I'm not going anywhere." I told him giving him a small smile. He gave a small smile back and sat next to me. "I'm...sorry." He said. I looked at him in fake confusion. "Why?" I asked him. "Don't pretend," He said to me. "I know what I said at the beach hurt you." He told me. "I didn't mean it, I was just upset that you had hidden it from us...from me." He muttered. I looked at him and gave him a smile and move a bit closer. "Don't worry about it I forgive you, it was in the heat of the moment." I said. He took a deep breathe and pulled me close to him in a hug. "Don't ever leave us.." He said into my hair. I blushed as my face rest against his chest. Ok so I may have had a small (huge) crush on Tokiya since I met him in the academy dorms, but can you blame me? I mean he may not have been the nicest at first but I always figured that was his way of showing that he cared. We stayed like that for a while before Reiji came back into the room. We quickly pulled away from each other, both with bright blushes on our faces.


Authors note: The part talking about Tokiya passing out and stuff may be wrong its been a while since I've seen the anime. Also let me know what you thought of this story and if you have any good ideas to make it more sad/happy/plot twists/etc.

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