Chapter 1

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Authors note: Big Brother!Natsuki/Satsuki, Big Brother!Ren, Big Brother!Reiji and Big Brother!Cecil being protective of Otoya. Natsuki is the only one who knows that Otoya was actually a girl to begin with because he figured out. He didn't tell any of the others or Otoya. Yea Tokiya's (and some others) are kind of jerks. Bare with me. I'd love to hear what you have to say so just comment/pm or whatever. Have a nice morning/evening/night.

P.S: Its probably not that good but oh well.

P.P.S: Otoya is the youngest member of Starish and Cecil is the same age as Syo. So basically i switched Cecil and Otoya's age

Disclaimer: I don't own anything!


Otoya's secret
Akira Ittoki


[I]            I woke up with the sunlight shining brightly in my hides. Why does the sun have to be so bright? I asked my self as I sat up. I stretched and stood from the bed,  before heading towards the bathroom I shared with my roommates Ichinose Tokiya and Kotobuki Reiji, I looked around to make sure they weren't here. You see I have a small secret...well depending on your definition of small anyways. The small secret being, I'm a girl. I don't know how I've hidden it for so long, but I have. I want to tell the rest of STARISH, Nanami, and Quartet Night but I'm scared of what their reactions will be. I headed into the shower with some of my male clothes over my shoulder. After finishing, I looked at myself in the mirror seeing the same thing as always, Otoya Ittoki, a member of Starish, a red haired red eyed happy 'guy', the thing is none of that is true except for my name and being a member of Starish, and the hair and eye color. I'm not a guy. I'm not always happy regardless what others think. I put on the façade for them, so that they have a reason to smile. I shook my head and began wrapping my chest. After I finished I put on my clothes, I headed out of the bathroom and room. I walked towards the Master course cafeteria where the other Starish members and quartet night members should be. I walked into the cafeteria and saw the other idols staring out me. "Huh? What's wrong?" I asked the guys. They stare at me for a few minutes longer. "It's nothing Ikki." Ren said giving me a small smile. "A-Alright, uh so what's the plans for today?" I asked the boys. They told me that Starish and Quartet Night are having a co-op photoshoot. "What's the theme?" I asked. "Swimwear." Reiji exclaimed happily. When he said swimwear, I froze up. I-I can't keep the secret if I have to go shirtless... I thought to myself. "O-Oh that's awesome!" I said with fake enthusiasm. I sat next to Tokiya and stayed quiet as they talked about the photoshoot. "...oya.....Otoya!" A voice shout in my ear. I jumped and saw that everyone had gotten up and was waiting for me. "Y-Yea?" I asked Syo, who was the one yelling for me. "Come on we're leaving for the beach." He said. "B-Beach? I thought our photoshoot was inside." I said. "The photographer said that he wanted it to be outside since it's been nice recently." Masato explained to me. "I-I see." I said standing up and hurrying over to the group. What do I do? Should I tell them I', not feeling well? No they'll know somethings up. I'll just have to try and avoid anything that involves taking my shirt off. I thought as we walked to the vans that would take us to the shoot. In the first van was the driver (who I will name Bob) Bob, and Reiji in the front seat, Syo, Ai, and Masato in the middle, and Tokiya, Ren, and I in the last row. In the other van there was the driver (who will be name Roger) Roger, Ranmaru, Camus, Cecil, and Natsuki in the other. Apparently something else the boys didn't think to tell me until we were almost at the shoot was that Shining was going to be their. Great. I thought to myself sarcastically just what I need, if I try to avoid taking my shirt off, he'll probably threaten me with my career or something. We arrived at the beach and got out. The photographer (and Shining), decided that I would go first along with Ren and Natsuki. Great the tallest members of our group. The three of us walked into our dressing rooms and when I arrived I was surprised. There on all the wracks for my swimwear were female swimming suits. I put on a look of confusion (even though I was slightly hyperventilating) and walked out of my dressing room. Ren and Natsuki had changed quickly. Ren was wearing a orange, light blue, and dark blue in color with a pocket on the side, and Natsuki was wearing yellow swim trunks with a little bit of blue and small spots of green on them. They looked at me wondering why I hadn't changed. "Um...Shining why are all of my clothes in there girl clothes?" I asked him. He just laughed and said, "Well that's what you are is it not?" I froze when he said that. No this cant be happening. I looked around the small area, where the cameras was set up. I looked at the boys, most were staring at me, waiting for me to deny it. " know I'm a guy Shining, sir." I laughed nervously.

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