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warning: death

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warning: death


You always knew that being a cop would mean danger and risking your life every time you went out there, but it had always been worth it to you — catching bad guys, allowing peace for grieving family members, making the city a little safer day by day. You were okay with the downsides, because the upsides were that much better. Ella Lopez, however, was not okay with how you were almost prepared to die on the job. Sometimes, you'd joke to your co-workers about the kind of funeral you'd want if you were to find yourself at the wrong end of a gun today. As someone who deeply cared about you, Ella was always fighting back, telling you to be safe and come back in one piece. The truth was, you were the best part of each other's days: you were always happy to pay a visit to the scientist's lab, whereas she was always looking for you in her freetime.

Which was why it hit her exceptionally hard when the much-dreaded day finally came. You had went out in the belief that there was only one perp for you to fight, only for three extra guys to surprise you, and in the end, it was them walking free while you were left in the alleyway with three bullets in your stomach. By the time the LAPD got there, it was too late, leaving it to Chloe Decker to close your eyes and break the news to Ella.

Ella, I'm so sorry. I know what Y/N meant to you. If you ever wanna talk—

I know. Thanks. She didn't... she didn't deserve this. No one does. But least of all Y/N. Who am I supposed to wait for in the lab now?

but when i saw
that gif, this came
to me right away
and here we find
ourselves (:

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