Hide and Seek -- DaniHearts1D

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Happy REALLY late birthday Dani . Love you to death, and hope you like it . If you don't, tell me and I'll try again .

If anyone's wondering about the cookie dough, don't worry about it. It's an insider.


Chills crawled up her spine as she walked through the trees. A branch snapped under her foot and she winced at the noise, glancing around anxiously. She was too paranoid. There was something about being hunted, as playful as it was, that had her cowering in fear. The darkness that surrounded her didn’t help either. The black of the night seemed to close in on her, suffocating her. Her breath came out in quick little pants, the chilly air causing goose bumps to rise on her skin.

“Danielle!” the voice called out, playful and her heartbeat quickened. Scrambling backwards, she crouched behind the tree. A sorry little hiding spot, she knew, but it was too late. “Come out, come out wherever you are!” The voice was closer now, she could see his outline as he walked through the darkness, could see the white of his teeth as he smiled.

She heard the crunching of leaves close to her and held her breath. But they soon passed and she let out a loud breath of relief.

Too loud. She jumped as she felt an arm wrap around her, pulling her close to the boy that stood behind her, his mouth right next to her ear, sending chills down her spine with every breath she took. “Got you,” he whispered. And then he let go, letting out a huge laugh as he stepped back.

She turned to face him, her own heart racing, and a small laugh escaped her as well. Zayn had always been like this: always teasing, making her heart race, getting her hopes up, and then he would let go back to himself, and she would be left hoping that one time the way he made her feel wouldn’t be just for some joke.

They had been friends forever. Just friends, unfortunately. It was something she wanted to change desperately. She couldn’t help the way he made her feel, but he always acted like he never noticed, never felt the same. She doubted he did.

They made their way back through the trees, Zayn reaching giving her a one-armed hug. But instead of letting his arm drop like he usually did, he held it there, around her. She looked up at him, hoping to see something different in his expression, but he wasn’t looking at her. Instead, his gaze was looking forward as he talked. “You’re hilarious when you’re scared.”

“Shut up!” she said, giving him a playful smack, but unable to keep the smile from forming on her face.

They walked in silence, his arm still wrapped around her. He was the one to break it, but with the last words she would ever want to hear. “I’m leaving soon.” His voice was quiet, and she could feel him looking at her, but she kept her gaze straight ahead, emotions bubbling up inside her, emotions she didn’t want to deal with. “Danielle, did you hear me? I’m leaving. I’m going back on tour in a couple days.”

She nodded, showing she heard, but didn’t say anything else. Instead, she moved closer, wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning against him as she walked. She needed all the support she could get.

They made their way back to the house in silence. Danielle tried to start a conversation a couple times, but every time it fell flat, and they were left in their own thoughts. The silence wasn’t awkward though, it was nice. They knew each other well enough that they didn’t need to fill the silence.

Once they arrived back, she moved away, heading towards the door, but Zayn grabbed her hand, holding her back, motioning towards the porch swing. She nodded, letting him lead her, his hand still in hers, sending tingles up her arm, an army of butterflies attacking her stomach.

They sat down, and he still held his hand in hers. She waited for the moment when he would pull away, it always came. Except this time, it didn’t…

“Dani,” he started, the words that would change her life on his lips. He hesitated though, looking out across the backyard, and when he spoke, he wouldn’t look her in the eyes. “I know we’ve been friends for a long time.”

“Forever,” she agreed, still not catching on to what made him so nervous.

“And it’s been great, being friends with you. You’re the best friend that a person could ask for and I’ve always been able to count on you.” There was a nervousness in his voice that she didn’t understand, almost a hesitation to the words he said. “Lately, I’ve been really thinking about that. About us. I’ve known you for my whole life, and you’re the only person that I can fully trust. You’ve been there for me throughout everything, and you have no idea how much that means to me.” He squeezed her hand, giving her a searching glance, scanning her face for something he must have found because he turned to face forward again and continued speaking. “I’ve been thinking so much about us, Dani. You’re always on my mind, no matter how far away I am in the world. I’m always counting down the days until I get to see you again, and the closer I get, the happier I am. Your support helps me become better at what I do. And now I’ve started to…I’ve started to think of you as more than a friend.” He finished off, but wouldn’t look at her.

Danielle held her breath, too amazed that everything she had wanted to say had come out of his mouth. She couldn’t speak.

“Dani?” He was looking at her now, those beautiful brown eyes staring into her eyes, the question clear. And yet she couldn’t speak. It was as if her mouth had been glued shut. His hands reached out, framing her face, those gentle hands holding her still as he leaned in. His lips brushed hers, a question mark of a kiss, and yet it meant the world to her.

A smile spread across her face as he leaned back, taking in her expression. Seeing that smile as encouragement he leaned in, deepening the kiss.

Danielle was in heaven.

After they sat on the couch in silence, a look of pure content spread across both their faces.

“So you’ll be my girlfriend then?” he asked, breaking the silence. Though some of the nerves had disappeared from his voice, there was still a slight hesitation.

“Hmm…” she said, tapping her chin in consideration. “I’ll have to think about that one.”

Zayn let out a chuckle, nudging her side. “Come on, be nice.”

“I am, I seriously have to consider it. It’s either you or cookie dough. And no offense, but…I think cookie dough wins.”

Zayn pulled her close, holding her there for a second before his hands flew to her sides, tickling her.

She let out a loud squeal. “Zayn! Come on! Stop!” She was laughing so hard her stomach ached and she was sure she would have abs by the morning.

“Well then give me the answer I want.”


“Yes what?”

“Yes I’ll be your girlfriend.”

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