One Shots :)

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So, I was asked to write my best friend in the world a one shot, and I decided to put it on here. I have to say, though I was a little doubtful about the whole thing,  I actually really enjoyed writing a little cutsie-pie love scene and decided, why the hell not?

I don't know if this is something anyone will be interested in. If you don't want one or think it's stupid, I don't blame you.

But on the off chance that this is something you want, I've decided to open this up for everyone. If you want your own one shot,  all I need you to do is Inbox me  and we'll work out the details.

Anyone interested? If you are, don't be shy. Please.

Either way, I'm posting one here right now. It's my first, so if it's not very good, don't blame me. If it's my last, that's okay too. It's up to you guys.

Thanks guys :)


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