Pierre was right, Molly thought, Noah was actually a very attractive man. He was tall with dark hair and brown eyes. He seemed to have a Spanish background, his skin naturally dark and every once in a while he would add a Spanish speaking word into his sentences.

"We're all really glad you could join the team," Noah stated, "I know Pierre is more glad than all of us though." He laughed as he looked at Pierre.

Molly smiled, "thank you. It's very exciting to be here and I'm very thankful for the opportunity," then the doorbell rang and her heart dropped.

Pierre ran through the house and answered the door.

Molly tried to stay in conversation with Noah and Michelle but her nerves were taking over and she kept glancing into the house. Was it him? Was it another coworker?

Then Pierre appeared and behind him was none other than Dominick. And damn was he fine. Molly's mouth nearly fell open at the sight of him, her eyes scanning over his body.

Everyone turned to see who was coming out with Pierre and they all went quiet.

"Hey guys, this is Dominick, he's Molly's next door neighbor," then he turned to Dominick, "this is Noah, Michelle..." he introduced everyone, "Molly's new coworkers."

Dominick nodded at them before his eyes landed on Molly's, squinting slightly as the corner of his mouth twitched into a small smile.

Molly was staring at him like an idiot, no emotion on her face.

Then he was walking towards her with Pierre and she felt like her knees were going to buckle, his glare staring right into her soul.

"I think we can officially introduce the two of you." He grinned, looking between the two of them, "Molly, this is Dominick, Dominick, this is Molly."

Dominick licked his lips before he held out his hand for hers. She looked down at it, afraid to move, but then her hand was in his and it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. There was no romance movie spark between them, but she did feel something. Her arousal was roaring it's ugly head again.

She swore he noticed because he lowered his lids, his eyes going dark as he licked his lips again, his thumb caressing over hers.

"It's nice to finally meet you," he stated, his voice low and raspy. She could only nod, "I apologize for not introducing myself sooner..."

"Noah!" Pierre yelled, leaving the two of them alone.

"but I'm not used to people watching me from their windows..." Dominick finished.

She felt her cheeks turn ten shades redder as she quickly pulled her hand away, "I-I wasn't... I didn't m-mean to spy... I mean, I wasn't spying, I was just looking out the window and you were there and..." she was mumbling and she quickly shut up, slapping her hand over her mouth and taking a deep breath.

Dominick grinned, leaning in to her, "I didn't mind..." Then he moved away from her and walked up to the cooler to grab a beer as he smiled at Michelle and started a conversation with her.

But she couldn't help but notice that he kept looking in her direction, his eyes changing when he looked at her. Was he upset? Did he really not like her? He seemed normal with everyone else but when he was around her or looking at her, his whole demeanor and look changed.

Pierre didn't want to do a traditional sit down meal so they all stood around shoving hotdogs in their mouths while washing it down with beer.

The sun had set and the lights they hung made the back patio really nice and almost romantic. Pierre had turned up their music a bit as everyone started getting tipsy, the real party beginning.

Desires Beyond The Lens (18+)Where stories live. Discover now