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Draco Malfoy seethed with rage! He was a Pureblood! A Noble! How come he didn't have a Harem? Draco couldn't even get a date to the Yule Ball! But Potter had girls hanging all over him! It wasn't fair!

"Bloody f**k!" he yelled at nothing, savagely kicking out at a tree stump near the boat-house.

"GAAAAAH! Aaaaargh!"

Draco hopped on one foot before plonking himself down on his backside amidst the long grasses and weeds. He tugged off the shoe from his other foot and began massaging his toes, wincing.

"I thought I heard screaming," a sly voice chuckled. Draco looked up, recognising the voice.

"Piss off, Zabini! ... I'm not in the bloody mood!" Draco snarled.

Zabini shook his head and chuckled some more. "I can see that! Need a hand with that foot?"

Draco rolled his eyes at Zabini's little joke.

"I'll be fine!" he snapped. "Anyway, what are you doing here? Why aren't you in class?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Zabini retorted. "But don't tell me the answer - let me guess. You're not in the mood?"

"Oh, ha, ha, ha! Really funny Zabini!"

"Are you really that arsed by Potter's little harem then?" Zabini sighed and shook his head, looking almost (but not quite) sympathetic.

"So what if I am?" Draco whined. "I'm rich! I'm a Pureblood! Where's my bloody harem?"

Zabini snorted mirthfully. "I suppose you could always ask your father to hire you a harem."

"It's not the bloody same! Everyone wants to be in Potter's harem - even Pansy apparently!" Draco narrowed his eyes at Zabini. "And you'll want to keep an eye on Greengrass. She looked like she was enjoying the show yesterday too."

"I was there, remember? And yeah, she was." Zabini grinned. "She got so hot and bothered watching Patil and Granger snogging that we spent the rest of the afternoon shagging..."

"NOT helping, Zabini!"

"Well, if it's any consolation, Draco, not everyone thinks it's as brilliant as you and loads of girls seem to. After you stormed out of breakfast, Potter had to go to the hospital wing with boils all over his hands. Someone sent him an envelope full of Bubotubor pus."

"Huh! That's something I suppose!" said Draco begrudgingly, scowling.

"Anyway - how's your foot doing? Need some help getting to the hospital wing?" Zabini almost looked like he was smirking.

"I can get there myself!" Draco grumbled.

"Suit yourself! ... See you round!" Zabini shrugged then sauntered off.

Draco watched Zabini until he passed out of view beyond the rise, still feeling puzzled; Zabini never had mentioned why he was out of class. If Draco didn't know any better, it almost seemed like Zabini had just wanted to needle him and rub Potter's harem in his face.

Draco staggered to his feet with a groan, wincing.

"Gaah!" he grunted as he began to hobble back towards the castle.


Students were already gathering near the woods by Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures when Hermione arrived with a very grumpy looking Harry with bandaged hands. Amusement softened Harry's irritable features when he spied Ron and Neville and he couldn't help chuckling; the pair were still gawking at the photographs and showing them to Dean and Seamus while they were all waiting for Hagrid.

Yuletide Blessing in Disguiseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن