The Guardian

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Professor McGonagall departed from the headmaster's office feeling disconcerted, not to mention perplexed, anxious, and more than a bit angry as well. After Nymphadora Tonks had been briefed on her task, Dumbledore and McGonagall had spoken at length; but her more discomfiting emotions were tempered by a measure of thankfulness that Dumbledore had confided in her, and no small measure of relief that Dumbledore was taking Harry Potter's safety and well-being seriously.

McGonagall was also very pleased that things were coming along very nicely for Harry - better even than she had hoped for, in fact, when she had taken matters into her own hands regarding Harry's partner for the Yule Ball. It had been the nudge that Potter and Granger had both needed to see that what they were looking for had been right in front of them the whole time.

McGonagall also couldn't help thinking that Potter was better off for being a bit closer to Granger now, than when he had gravitated more towards Weasley. Weasley's lackadaisical attitude towards schoolwork had been a bit of a bad influence on Potter, who - with the right motivation - generally showed more aptitude and inclination to learn than Weasley.

And now Potter, who had always been quite prodigious with his wandwork, was taking his study of magical theory more seriously as well - which would hopefully prove advantageous in surviving the dark trials he still faced ahead of him. And Granger had found that which she had been yearning for so long, something a bit more than books and "just friends" could provide - someone who truly respected her intellect and put her emotional needs ahead of certain others.

But McGonagall was still quite shaken by some of Dumbledore's revelations - not the least of which was Severus Snape's role in things. And she was also startled to learn that Sirius Black was in fact innocent, and that Peter Pettigrew had been the traitor all along - Wormtail as Barty Crouch Junior had referred to him last night.

But most importantly, Voldemort's obsession with Potter made much more sense now, as did Dumbledore's otherwise dubious decision to place Potter with the sister of his mother. But the lengths the self appointed "Dark Lord" had taken to remain on this side of the veil were truly horrifying, and the implications that they held for Potter's apparent connection to Voldemort chilled her to the marrow.

McGonagall was determined to make every effort to help Dumbledore discover some means of ridding Potter of that disturbing link. Her thoughts turned again to Potter's budding relationship with Granger, which seemed even more important than ever now...


"Er... Hi?" Harry peered at the girl in Gryffindor robes, perplexed.

"Do we know you?" asked Hermione, wondering if she was a sixth or seventh year practicing Advanced Transfiguration to disguise herself. "I don't remember seeing you before."

"Sorry," said the pink haired girl as she sat down at the table, "I didn't know you weren't expecting me. Dumbledore didn't say. I'm Tonks - Auror Tonks... but I'll be undercover as a Teacher's Assistant who's just returned to Hogwarts after a few years - in trainin' to be a Professor. "

"Er... Excuse me for saying so, but aren't you a bit young to be an Auror?" Hermione inquired, looking a bit skeptical.

Tonks chuckled. "That's what everyone says. I'm older than I look. My seventh year ended just before your first - I'm twenty one - twenty two in January. ... And I was actually a Hufflepuff, but bein' a Gryffindor will make it easier to hang out a bit with you two sometimes, and shadow you between classes and when you're doin' your own thing..."

"Wait, why would you be following us around?" asked Harry, frowning in suspicion. "We're not in trouble with the Ministry are we?"

"Well, it's more on Dumbledore's orders really - Madam Bones is letting him 'borrow' me - sort of a joint operation I suppose. I'm your protection detail Harry, now that we know You-Know-'Oo is back and tried to infiltrate Hogwarts to get at you. And because Hermione's your girlfriend, she's under protection too."

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