A Secret

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We had one last day together before we had to go home tomorrow morning.

I know I was the one that thought of this fun weekend but now all I wanted to do was go home.

Everyone was loving it though...I guess I was the only one.

I was laying in a hammock on the side by our cabins.

The nice breeze felt relaxing, and I finally got the tan I dreamed of.

Two-bit noticed I was alone and decided it would be best to talk to me.

He sat beside me and said, "Hey."

I said back, "Hi."

I was staring at the moon and the stars and all of the constellations.

He then continued the conversation, "Are you okay?"

I sat up a little confused on why he would ask such a question.

I replied, "Who would be? Two-bit, I can't have any babies."

He sat beside me saying, "I know, and it's going to be okay."

He then grabbed my hand and held it.

I had to let out a small sigh as I smiled cuddling next to him.

He always knew what to do to make me feel secure.

He then said, "Hey, for once the gang is not watching us."

I looked up at him and asked, "What are you saying?"

Jumping up, he still was holding my hand and led me to his cabin.

It wasn't the cleanest but it was bigger than the girls cabin.

I went over and sat on his bed as little goosebumps began to form on both of my arms.

He locked the door and followed me back to his bed.

He crawled on top of me and began to kiss me.

It wasn't like before.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Were we actually going to have sex?

I opened my eyes and broke the kiss for a second as he opened his to.

He whispered, "Do you want to?"

I didn't even give myself time to think about the question or my answer.

I just smiled and nodded - yes.

He then got up off me and threw away a box in the trashcan.

He came back with a condom.

And I'm guessing you can probably imagine what happened next.

Evie's POV

I was having so much fun with Steve by the campfire.

We were both making out, but it was a little embarrassing having the gang being a witness to it.

Two-bit and Shaylin both snuck off in the boys cabin.

I was the only one who saw them, and I just couldn't stop smiling after it.

I can't believe there doing it tonight.

The last time me and Steve did it was at one of Bucks party.

We went upstairs and spent most of the night up there.

I plan on marrying Steve and we've even talked about it before, but I don't think he's that serious in doing it.

But that's for later to think about.

Sandy and Soda both joined us at the campfire and Sandy said to us, "Eww get a room."

We broke the kiss and looked at them, and I started laughing.

Steve rolled his eyes, and Soda started laughing with me.

My face turned a dark red color but luckily it was dark out, so they couldn't tell.

Soda said, "So, how did you guys like this weekend?"

I smiled and said, "It was great, but I didn't like Kathy all that much."

Sandy asked, "What are you talking about? Kathy was so nice."

Steve then pointed out, "Well, she didn't help Shaylin when she was drowning."

I replied after him, "Or go to find her in the woods after she got out of the water."

Soda backed us up, "Or let's not forget Kathy was flirting with Two-bit."

Sandy replied, "Well, Two-bit and Shaylin aren't boyfriend and girlfriend."

Soda then said, "C'mon, Sandy, it's just a matter of time."

Sandy asked, "Doesn't anyone remember what happened last night?"

I looked away feeling guilty and so did everyone else.

She replied, "Exactly! And Two-bit doesn't want Shaylin finding out."

Steve said, "Well who would? Shaylin would freak out if she knew what happened."

I then said, "Look, what we saw last night between Two-bit and Kathy is none of our business."

Sandy then agreed, "Yeah, but is anyone going to tell her?"

I didn't know what to do.

Shaylin is my new best friend but if I told her what happened last night, it would break her heart.

I felt keeping it to myself would be the best choice.

So, we all agreed we would keep our mouths shut.

It was for the best.

Two-bit's POV

I kept feeling guilty every move I made with Shaylin.

I honestly did love her more than anyone else and last night was not my fault.

We laid next to each other breathless, and I forgot all about last night.

I could see Shaylin smile as she said, "That was great."

I then asked her, "Shaylin, will you be my girlfriend?"

She turned her head slightly looking at me and said, "Yes."

We rested our foreheads together and smiled at each other.

But I couldn't help but still feel a little guilty at what happened.

And there was nothing I could do about it...

Shaylin's POV

I had to be smiling from ear to ear.

This was the best night of my life!

I can't believe I just had sex with
Two-bit Mathews.

And now he finally asked me to be his, and I of course said yes.

He slipped his ring onto my finger and kissed me a final goodnight.

It took my mind off of the whole raping thing and being jumped.

He was my everything, and I knew I would love him no matter what.

Thanks for Reading!
Stay Tuned for More!
~Stay Gold

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