Nothing is Normal

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Two-bit walks over to me and stands in front of me.

He says softly, "Hey."

I smiled to him and repeats him, "Hey."

Soda gets up from the couch smirking at me as he walks to the kitchen.

He says, looking a bit confused, "So, what's wrong?"

I shrug and sit on the couch saying, "Nothing."

He then asks, while scratching the back of his head, "Why'd ya need to talk to Soda?"

I say sighing, "No reason."

Wait a minute...was he actually getting jealous that I talked to Soda?

He then says, sitting down beside me, "You know you can talk to me about anything right, Shay?"

I smiled, "Yeah, I know."

He smiled faintly, but it's not the same genuine love able Two-bit smile.

Moments later, he gets up from the couch and goes into the kitchen.

I sigh heavily, slumping into the couch.
Why would he be so jealous?

Does he honestly think I like Soda like that? I wish I knew why this was so confusing.

I get up following him in the kitchen. Two-bit's talking to Soda and he doesn't look too happy.

I walk back into the living room and decide to leave the house.

Ponyboy comes in the room and asks, "Hey, Shaylin, where ya going?"

"I don't know," I shrug, "catch you guys later."

I can't keep talking to Soda in case Two-bit gets even more mad.

I go outside and begin to walk towards his house, until I spot Johnny and Dally.

"Hey, guys" I say as I stop where they're at.

"Hey, Shaylin," Johnny says, "how's it going?"

I shrug, "Not so hot, man, I need advice."

Dally looks at me funny and asks, "What's going on with you?"

I then explain what just happened inside about how Two-bit got a little upset that I was talking to Soda.

Johnny says quietly, "He doesn't hate you, fact I think he likes ya."

"I thought so to," I said, "but now I've screwed up everything."

Dally then tries to comfort me, "No, it's alright kid. Just talk to him later or something, he won't stay mad forever especially not at you."

I nod saying, "Thanks, guys. Hey, I'll see you guys at the drive in tonight."

Johnny then says back, "See ya there."

I'm really lucky there's not many Socs that roam by Two-bit's house.

Especially, on a morning like this because it's really quiet.

I then stand in front of the Mathews house. I open the already unlocked door and walk into our room we share.

I sit straight up on his bed looking around the room at objects that remind me of him.

Then, I came across a picture frame of him and his mom and there were words going around it.

It said, "Always go with the choice that scares you the most because that is the one that is going to help you grow."

Does Two-bit really think that I like Soda? We're friends but not that close.

But he is getting really offensive which makes me think he's jealous.

He can't be though I really doubt it. I wish I knew what all this means.

It was finally lunch time, so I decided to head back to the Curtis house.

They're probably wondering where I went and plus I want to see Two-bit again.

When I arrive, Darry opens the door smiling at me.

He asks me, "Hey, Shay, where have you been?"

I say confused, "Just taking a walk, why do you ask?"

He then says calmly, "The boys were wondering that's all."

I then said to him, "I was only gone for an hour or two."

I shrugged walking around Darry as he closed the door, but I walked right into Two-bit.

He then turns around to face me and asks, "Hey, where'd ya go?"

I answered, "Just walking around."

He then asks, "No, Socs bothered you?"

I smiled and said, "Guess I got lucky. Want to watch Mickey?"

After asking this, I hoped he would say yes, and we could sit on the couch and everything would be normal again.

He smiled back at me and said, "Yeah."

I follow him to the couch as he turn the tv on. Maybe things can go back to normal...or even get better.

Thanks for Reading!
Stay Tune for More!
~Stay Gold

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