Chapter 2

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She licked her lips and half smiled and half waved at him, thinking he was going to come over and introduce himself. But then he turned up his driveway as he stepped onto his porch and walked inside his house, slamming the door behind him.

Rude. There was only one word for him. Well, maybe two, she thought. Gorgeous and rude.

She finally entered her new home and was pleasantly surprised that it was fully furnished like they had promised. And the furniture was more than she ever expected. It was amazing and straight from a chic magazine. They seemed to know her personality better than she did.

As she entered into the living room she heard a loud rumble outside as she walked over to the window and peaked out, her breath catching in her throat. The nameless hot neighbor next door was riding out of his garage on a Harley, still wearing his shorts and tennis shoes. Then he parked her and shut if off while he disappeared back into the garage.

She stayed there far too long waiting for him to come back out but he was no where to be found. When her phone rang she nearly jumped out of her skin.


"Molly!! How are you liking Florida? How's the house?"

She smiled, "Pierre! It's alright, a little too hot and sunny for me but I'm sure I'll get used to it. And the house is perfect! I will have to personally thank Noah when I see him on Monday morning."

Pierre laughed into the phone, "honey, you should be thanking me! He gave me the company credit card and said go crazy." He laughed, "I'm coming over. I have waited weeks to meet you."

Molly looked down at herself, her cheeks going red, "you're coming over right now?"

"Yeah! Why? Are you not there?"

"N-no, I'm here." She stepped away from the window and walked towards her luggage, "I just don't want you to meet me while I look the way I do."

He laughed again, "honey, I wouldn't care if you were wearing nothing but a potato sack! I'll be there in twenty! Ciao!"

Then he hung up and Molly stood there in her new silent house. She grabbed her luggage then and tugged the heavy beast up the stairs until she found the room that was obviously the master, a sign taped to the door and signed by Pierre, "Welcome to Florida, Molly! Enjoy your new casa!"

She opened the door and her jaw nearly fell to the floor. The room was almost the same size as her apartment back in Seattle. A California King bed greeted her with a purple plush bench at the end. The huge windows overlooked the city of Miami and the ocean far beyond, while another window faced the nameless neighbors house. There was a lounging chaise on the other side of the room next to the door that led to her master bath and walk-in closet. If she were more of a girly-girl, this was be a dream come true! But she still equally appreciated it being an IT nerd.

She threw her luggage onto the bed and started rummaging for something presentable to wear during Pierre's surprise visit. She didn't have much to choose from so she settled on a pair of skinny jeans and a black Led Zeppelin tee shirt and her trusty converse's.

Molly headed back downstairs when she heard the motorcycle next door come to life again, and she found herself running into the living room to peak out the window.

She watched the nameless neighbor come out of his garage again, but fully dressed this time. She watched as he slicked his hair back in a sexy manner before sliding on his sunglasses. Then she panicked as she saw him look in her direction, but he wasn't looking at her. No, he was looking at the guy walking across the lawn from her house to his.

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