⦁ Hope And Future

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The future. A rehabilitation which yields the word 'hope'. Hope which renders the strength and will to move forward to the next minute,day,year.We fancy these two words with our souls don't we?

Take a mirage with time.See where it leads you. If it does not direct you to the desired future then hope again,and again.Or,have the courage to make peace with your current angels/demons.

Time is adventurous,experimental and accessible to ANYONE.Explore.There's still time while you're reading this.There's only time if we don't hammer,and warp it into a shield to protect us from the hallucination that we 'have' all the time in the world.

There's a reason why the wise crowd encourages us to use 'time' wisely.So,that there's enough hope for the future,and a future so sufficient that it makes us say-

'I'm here,and here is good.'

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