“So, what do people around here do for fun?” I ask Tom, looking back at him. He takes a minute to think, scratching his chin.

“Well, most of the time, we all just hang out in the woods. We camp, hike, swim, ride our four-wheelers, and hunt,” he replies, looking at me.

 Yup, there’s nothing to do in this town, just as I thought. It looks like I’m going to be spending a LOT of time at home. Trying not to look disappointed, I smile back at him. “That sounds fun,” I lie.

But, it looks like he doesn’t believe me because he quickly adds, “We also have some restaurants and a few clothing stores that my sister hangs out at.”

Well that sounds a little better. However, if that is all I’m going to be doing, it seems as though I’m going to need to buy new clothes, spending all that time eating. The thought of that makes me laugh to myself.

“Bus is coming,” I hear a kid say, interrupting my thoughts. Looking over I can see an old yellow bus pull up. First day of school, here I come.

My first two classes were uneventful. They were also the classes that I hated the most, math and chemistry. My third class, history, was OK. I really liked the teacher, Mr Line. He’s an older gentleman, but he’s the type that always acts younger than he actually is. His hair is a silver gray which match his gray eyes, and he also has a small beard.

So it’s now lunch time and I’m in a fairly good mood, until reality hits me. I didn’t really have a chance to talk to anyone. And that means I’m going to have to do the “I have nowhere to sit” act and hope that someone will invite me to sit with them.

    Just as I’m planning on how I would go about this, someone walks up behind me.

“You can sit with me if you want to.” Looking behind me, Tom is standing there. Yes! Thank God, I think, smiling at him.

“Sure,” I answer, gratitude in my voice.

After getting my lunch, I scan the area to see if Mathew is in view. Sure enough there he is, already sitting at a table, fitting in just fine. Brat. It doesn’t escape my notice of WHO he is sitting with. Tom’s little sister. Great, we have only been here a few days and already he is on the prowl for a girlfriend. Teenage boys are such animals.

“It looks like they are getting along.” Tom points out, looking over at them.

“Ya, it would seem so,” I laugh, as Tom and I start toward a table. I already recognize some of the people who were in my earlier classes. Taking a seat next to Tom I start to pick at my food.

“Um, this is Alice everyone,” Tom announces to the table. All of a sudden questions begin to come at me from all sides.

“Where are you from?” asks one.

“Why did you move here?” questions another.

“Do you have any older sisters?” Everyone pauses at this question, staring at a boy with fiery red hair. Laughter fills the air.

“Really Alex,” Tom says exasperatedly, smacking the boy in the back of his head. “Your infatuation with older women is getting disturbing.”

“You’re just jealous of my awesomeness,” Alex boasts, taking a bite of his pizza. I glance over at Tom, who is rolling his eyes. I can’t help but smile; they’re clearly best friends, the way they act.

“Well answering all your questions, no I don’t have any older sisters. But I do have a younger brother, Mathew. I moved here from Nevada. The reason why we moved is because my mom thought that it was just time to make a new start,” I reply, as truthfully as possible. I’m thankful for not having to really answer in too much detail. I already had the answers planned, but starting up a friendship with lies was not something I wanted to do. For the rest of lunch, I talk to everyone on and off as I ate. At the end of lunch, Tom offers to take me to my next class, which I accept with gratitude.

“Well, I’ll see you on the bus ride home then.” Grinning, he hands me the books that he had been carrying. I didn’t even know boys still did that.

“Sure will,” I laugh, walking into my next class, and then turning back to wave goodbye. With a nod of his head he starts down the hallway. I smile like an idiot the rest of the day. I know that dating someone is definitely not on my to- do list. Not any time soon anyways. But Tom is so sweet and it’s too hard to ignore his adorable flirting. His rugged looks certainly do not fit his personality. But I’m not stupid. Getting into a relationship is the last thing I need right now.

Note: Sorry it took so long to update. So, how did you like this chap. Tell me about it in a comment. If you liked it VOTE hehe ^^.

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