Heartaches and Heartbeats

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“Absolutely, we’ll do it. Right babe?”

My eyes were fixated on the familiar pack of peppermint gum that stuck out of Jackson Harris’ pocket as I slowly snatched my mind away from childhood memories and back to focus on Jordan’s hand that rested on mine.

“What?” I blinked and sat back in my chair.

“We'll give our statements,” Jordan repeated.

“Oh, yeah,” I nodded as my eyes scanned Jack’s office.

It was just the way I'd always imagined mine would be. The room was large and smelled of books from the library that covered his left wall. Two black sitting chairs were arranged for easy reading. To the right of the room was a sturdy mahogany chest. The top of the chest held an odd assortment of a coffee maker with a mug and a bottle of sherry with shot glasses. The rest of the chest was covered with small model cars and little carved wooden houses that seemed to serve as reminders of his former life as a mechanic and carpenter.

The back wall held his diplomas that were framed and hung astutely on either side of a large portrait of himself. In front of that wall, sat a giant desk that matched the mahogany chest. Jack sat behind the desk in his office chair that accommodated his large frame.

His expression was anxious and a sharp contrast to the confident visage that stared down from the portrait above.

“Thank you, I really appreciate you both doing this,” He spoke. “It really helps the case.”

“Of course, anything for Gina.” Jordan smiled as he stroked my hand.

Jack nodded and I watched as he filled out the statement paperwork. He wrote Jordan’s name across one sheet: Jordan Nathaniel Marcel Knight and mine across the other: Natalia Charlotte Harris Knight.

“It's Andrews,” I spoke.

Jack looked up at me. I swallowed hard as his gray eyes met with mine and I remembered all the times those same eyes had brought a smile to my face and made me feel safe, just like a father's eyes should. Now, all I could feel was pain and heartache.

“My maiden name is Andrews,” I repeated. “Gina and I both changed it to Mom’s.”

“Oh, of course,” Jack’s eyes softened as he ripped the form and grabbed another.

He filled out the new paper and placed both sheets in front of Jordan and me.

I filled out my statement as best as I could for Gina’s sake before sliding it back across the table just as Jordan finished his.

“Let us know if we can do anything else,” Jordan shook his hand, but I held back.

The lump in my throat tightened as I caught a glimpse of a candy jar sitting on one of the shelves of his library. It held the same colorful lollipops that I'd looked forward to each night as a little girl. I held back my tears and moved to the elevator as quickly as I could.

I just wanted to get away and never come back.

I stepped out of the doors of the law office and was welcomed by a flash of cameras and a hoard of reporters.

“Are you Mrs. Knight?”

“Jordan! Are you getting divorced?”

“Why are you seeing an attorney?”

“Can you smile for us?”

“Can we see a kiss?”

My heart pounded in my chest. I felt claustrophobic as the crowd began to close in. The paparazzi were jostling and pushing as they moved closer to us.

Perfect (Jordan Knight/NKOTB fanfic, Liadan #1)Where stories live. Discover now