Punches and Patience

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"Is that everything?" Jon wiped the sweat off his brow with his t-shirt after loading my final box into the back of Devin's truck.

"Yeah," I nodded as I glanced over my shoulder to see the empty space in the living room where my boxes had been stacked. "That's everything."

The doctor had suggested that I stay a while longer, but he'd technically cleared me to move and I was ready to go. It had been a week and Jordan and I'd barely spoken. Every time I looked at him, I felt betrayed again as if I was reliving the sight of him cheating on me over and over. Most of the time he kept his distance or ended up drunk on the couch anyway.

"Alright, well we can trail you guys out there and help you get settled," Jon offered as he hopped out of the bed of the truck.

Jordan hadn't come home the night before so Jon and Donnie had helped me do all the heavy lifting for the move.

"She doesn't have much stuff, I can handle it." Devin closed the tailgate to the truck.

"You'll be okay all the way out there by yourself with him?" Donnie whispered in my ear and looked Devin up and down.

I sighed. Devin was my older sister Gina's on-again, off-again boyfriend and the father of my nephew, Aiden. He owned a bar, but I suspected that was only a cover for another more unsavory career that was in line with his penchant for drag racing and street fights. His demeanor was erratic and he'd waver from being a really kind and caring guy to an abusive tyrant without much warning.

Honestly, he was the last person I'd call to help me move back into my mom's house, but he'd come as a favor to Gina and I didn't have the strength to rock any boats.

"I'll be fine," I nodded as I picked up my purse and adjusted it on my shoulder.

Devin pulled his vape out of the glove compartment before going around to the back of the truck to re-adjust the strap that held my boxes in place. The smoke from the vape formed a large white cloud around his head.

"Hey, you can't smoke that around her."

I was surprised by the sound of Jordan's voice and I turned to see him climbing out of his car after parking behind the truck.

"Why not?" Devin took a long drag and blew out smoke rings in my direction.

I turned my head away as I coughed into my sleeve.

"She's pregnant, you dumbass," Jordan walked up the driveway.

Devin rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Jordan challenged as he moved towards him.

"Jordan," I bit my lip, but he ignored me.

Something about his demeanor gave me the sense that he was looking for a fight. I glanced at Donnie and Jon, but they just stood back.

"Don't smoke that around her, you understand me?" By now he was less than three feet away.

"You're the father, huh?" Devin nonchalantly leaned against his truck.

"Yeah, I am," Jordan's jaw clenched.

"Oh, I get it," Devin sneered. "You're just jealous because you fucked her and she's not begging you for more. Don't worry, I don't want your sloppy seconds."

Before I could realize what was happening, Jordan had slammed him into the side of the truck and punched him in the nose with such force that he stumbled to the ground.

Devin was stunned for a moment before he regained his bearings and tackled Jordan.

"Oh, my god," my eyes widened as they scuffled in the grass. Each blow between the two men seemed harder than the last. My heart pounded in my chest. "Jordan!"

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