Chapter Thirty One - The Eternal Warrior

Start from the beginning

Despite being foreign lands, even with the help of Jang Mi, entry to us would most likely be forbidden; but Jang Mi mentioned a great peril struck her homeland. Quick like lightning itself, someone devastated Kiridora on their own.

If all of Kiridora were trained warriors like Jang Mi, they must've been quite skilled; powerful to the point in which you'd question whether or not they're human.

"I'm glad that we were the one that found you. Though I guess it was Reiguma's idea to lend a helping hand."

"Uuu, and at the time I wasn't too entirely sure of the idea."

"Yes... I too am glad that it was you two that found me. Had it been anyone else, I'm sure I wouldn't be here."

I guess I should be thanking Reiguma for making that decision, who would've thought that things would turn out this way?


As the downpour begins to settle, we at least have clear vision of the surrounding area as Jang Mi leads us onwards. Leaving our caravan safely tucked away among the forestry, we proceed on foot.

Pressing her hand firmly against the base of one of the trees; it's a lot thinner than the ones back home as the trunk appear to be green and circular.

"I do remember these, but if so then..."

Applying small amounts of pressure allows it to sway with ease. Seeing these sorts of trees for the first time, I'm filled with a strange sense of wonder as Jang Mi suddenly calls out to me.

"Kiro, stop!"

Rushing to pull me back, I'm left at a loss as Jang Mi slowly walks towards the path I was taking.

"If I recall correctly... yes, as I suspected."

Crouching down, she slowly pushes away the fallen leaves and sticks to reveal sharp objects embedded into the ground.

"O-One more step and I would've-... thanks, Jang Mi."

I sigh in relief, if it were a moment too late; I would've had a serious problem.

"Keep an eye on your surroundings, I suspect there to be more traps lying in wait just like this one. If things don't seem right, call out to me."


"Great. Now then, let's proceed this way."

Shaking off the feeling of almost being punctured, we follow behind her as Reiguma latches onto me.

"This scent... yes, I'm sure it's this way."

Relying on all her senses, we follow behind her as I'm not so sure what exactly it is that's caught her attention. All I could smell was the damped ground among the trees.

The general feel of the surrounding forest is the complete opposite of the tranquility of Rasheingal; the forest that the Elves inhabit. Whilst I'm certain that the traps laid out are to warn trespassers; they're intentionally made to be lethal, or enough to make you think twice of pressing on. It makes me further wonder of the environment that Jang Mi lived through; her daily activities and how strict it must've been.

"We're here..."

Soon coming into a clearing, while I don't see any buildings or settlements that'll suggest people live here. What she meant was the entrance that we all see; it's a stretch but at least we can get a general jist of the architecture.

"But it's still a pretty far walk I take it..."

After all, our destination is at the other end of a narrow bridge that stretches across a chasm. One in which we can't see the bottom of, and not only that but the bridge itself seems to be on the verge of collapsing. But what's worse is...

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