Chapter Five - At the Crossroads

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Finally being relieved from the eyes of others, we return hone after saying our farewells to Wil. I'd be keen on sleeping, however Reiguma was present too.

"Ehh Kiro! Why am I sleeping somewhere else?" 

She whines after I told her the whereabouts of her bed.

Catching a glimpse of her pouting, I avert my eyes knowing well that I'd fall deep into her trap.

"Because I know I wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully." 

I retort calmly, explaining why I set her in a different room.

Setting her up in my room might also be a bad idea, but I'm not mean enough to have her sleep on the couch. Though of course my sisters room would have been reasonable, but...

Not even I have set foot in her room after that incident.

"Fwehh, I won't disturb you, promise!" 

She moans as I can't really trust her at this moment.

"Do you even know what a promise means?"

"Of course! It's a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something explicable! In other words a vow!"

Perhaps even she can be knowledgeable in some cases, yet her actions make me believe she's but a child. It makes me wonder if it's her power as a Serabrae at work. Although... She didn't know what cutlery was until recently...

"If you know so much about it, can I trust you to keep your word?"

She nods firmly as her bell resonates.

"Fine, you can take one side. It's a pretty large bed so don't say we have to cuddle or anything." 


She raises her voice in joy and clings onto my back.

"If you cling onto me in bed, you get no chances and then I'll send you off to some place else."

Turning my head to face her, she submits as she releases her grasp.

Upon entering my parents room, my mind starts to wander off. About how everything still looks just the same, even without them around. 

I still clean as much as I can during my leisure time, with no one else here it's my responsibility. If you start putting it off, It will do you no good. You wouldn't be able to find what you're looking for in some circumstances and that very problem would be crucial once requests start flowing in.

Reiguma jumps onto the bed and sprawls across it. She seems to be enjoying herself, able to feel so free and unrestricted... Well in some cases. After all, I'm the one who created her so of course I should set some ground rules. Even now, I can't fathom the reason why a Serabrae out of all species appeared in front of me.

"What's the matter Kiro?~ Come on, we should sleep soon. If we don't you won't have any energy for work tomorrow!"

Even if I am well rested, you would be the reason why I wouldn't have any energy.

"Don't you... Have any other set of clothes? You did wear that out, not to mention entering the tavern."

"Oh, no problem then!~" 

She replies as though she has a solution, hopping off the bed, she snaps her fingers.

A thin layer of flames surround her as I my jaw drops. Her being surrounded isn't my main concern as I'm more worried about the surrounding area.

"Nononono Reiguma stop!" 

I order her as my arms were flailing in every possible direction.

The flames were spiraling around her body was almost captivating as it was really beautiful. It disperses soon after as It was a miracle that nothing got burnt.

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