Chapter Seven - Passage into the Mirrored World

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I stand before the gates of the Academy, numerous students waltz in happily conversing with each other. I overhear them looking forward to becoming an Alchemist. That's to be expected, who wouldn't be excited? It's what we've all been here for, the title is right before us.

I could see others interacting with their creations, some looked fierce and others were on the adorable side.

Few students are reading their handouts and some have formed a study group on the tables. I could only see a few individuals with contract partners as they spoke words. Since there's still an hour and a half before the starting of the first class, I head into the library so I could switch on my brain.

On the way towards the Library, you'd have to pass by the training room. With the halls of the Academy forming a small box in the middle, on the way towards other classes, you could observe other students testing themselves against others. I guess some would rather practice their battle capabilities.

On one end I see a well dressed aristocrat, Alicia. That's her name, and beside her was the same Ice Golem, on the other end was the Salamander owner. The Salamander has the advantage in terms of attribute. But Alicia wouldn't have agreed to a battle in which she'd lose, she has something up her sleeve.

I'm keen to observe this battle unfold before my very eyes, but I can't get distracted. I have my own leads. So I proceed to my original objective.

No one knows what we'll actually be tested on, I guess that's why most people are quite restless. If you fail this test, you'll have to start your final year again. That's how big of an issue this is. No one wants that, not after all the dedication they've put in.

I'll say that's a pretty strict system, but I guess It'll show just how serious students are.

But.. what if I fail? I doubt even my parents reputation would change anything.

No. I can't fail. That's not an option. Failure's not an option.


A knock resounds on the door as I look up to see who It had the nerve to interrupt a student studying.


I'd highly doubt the Ace is bothered by this at all, if he falls asleep in class, his arm would do the work for him. The longer I leave him at the door, the more delayed my studying will be.

"Is there something you need, Kai? I'm trying to study here, so I'd appreciate it if you used the next room."

I point towards the other side as the cubicle beside wasn't in use.

Scanning the area, I was hoping to see what he created, however no one else was beside him. Knowing him, I'm sure it's out of the ordinary.

"I apologize for the disturbance, but everyone needs a study partner, right?"

"That may be true for other people, but I'd like to be alone when I'm concentrating."

"Hmm... I suppose that's just like you. Then, good luck, Kiro."

"Thanks, good luck as well, Kai."


As I expected, they test us on all fields on the things we've learned over the years. Looking left to right, we were all in line. Each student had their creation beside them, however, I was standing alone.

Which made the instructor ask; "Where's your partner?"

It was quite difficult to answer his question believe it or not. I didn't want to embarrass myself and say that she left me. But it was clear to them that she wasn't around.

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