"It's almost four," he answered. "Want to check out the beach now? The restaurant we're going to eat at is literally next to the beach. We're not going to swim, though. We'll just take a nice stroll, maybe find some seashells."

"Yay! More souvenirs!" Calum ran up to me and grabbed my hands. "Let's go! You'll be my seashell buddy!"

"Wha- okay." I didn't have time to say anything before he yanked me up and led me out of the room before releasing my hand. Because I got up too fast my vision was starting to go black and I was feeling a bit dizzy. I nearly fell backwards before I felt myself fall into someone's arms.

"Watch it," said the person who caught me as my vision was slowly coming back. "I don't want to fall with you."

Just hearing the sound of Luke's voice made my heart race, and I looked up at him to see him staring back at me. He pushed me forward a bit so I was back onto my feet, but I was frozen in place as I kept my eyes on Luke. He rolled his eyes, stuffed his hands into his pockets, and walked ahead of me.

I could still feel his arms wrapped around me, and I may or may not be wishing that they stayed longer.

"Hurry, Mikey, or you'll be left behind!" Ashton exclaimed as he tugged on my shirt and pulled me forward.


It took us five minutes by car to get to the beach. On our way there I'd hear the thunder and I'd pull my legs close to my chest, tellin myself it's okay. Again, Ashton was driving, so he couldn't exactly be there for me. He'd glance over at me and worry his lower lip.

Calum didn't seem to notice, and Luke simply didn't care. He was too busy looking out the window.

Even though I'm sitting in the passenger seat I used the side mirrors to steal glanced at him. It'd be awkward looking at him directly. Plus, he'd be annoyed if I did look at him, so the mirror was the safest option.

There weren't any people at the beach, which pretty much meant we had the entire place to ourselves. It was really windy and my bangs kept going over my eyes. Calum was already scurrying towards the water and kneeling down, digging through the sand.

"Come on, Mikey! Help me find some seashells!" Calum shouted, waving at me. I didn't exactly plan on helping. I'll probably just watch as he searches.

I walked over to him and I bent my knees next to him. Calum found a seashell that he wasn't pleased with, so he threw it into the water. I glanced over at where Ashton was and he was walking along the beach with Luke. I wonder what they're talking about.

Wait, no I don't. Why does it matter what they're talking about? It's their business, not mine.

Then I felt Calum chuck something at my shoulder, and I winced. I looked down at what he threw at me, and I looked down to see what it was.

He threw a broken sandal at me.

I glared up at him and he just shrugged. "I found it, and now I'm giving it to you," he said.

"I don't want it," I told him.

"Picky with your gifts, aren't you?" I shook my head and stood up. "Where're you going?"

"Nowhere. I'm just standing up." Calum eyed me before he started crawling over to a different spot to search there instead. I stared at the waves as they slid over the wet sand before pulling back into the ocean.

I don't have any good experiences of being at the beach. I do recall when I was little I went to the beach with Ashton and his family. He and I would stand near the waters and we'd run away from the waves as they came onto shore. At one point we actually went into the water, but then water went into my eyes and I couldn't see anything. The next thing I knew I was being swept away into the sea and I was being pulled underwater. 

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