Chapter 28

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Hunter's POV

"We shouldn't do this," I mumble, trying to get Hadley's lips off of me.

"Why?" She asks, as she kisses my neck. 

"I have a girlfriend," I mumble. My statement makes her suck on my neck a little harder. "Hadley I said stop," I groan pushing her off of me. She rolls her eyes and walks out of the hotel room. I groan as I walk into the bathroom to see a large number of bruises on my neck. My phone starts ringing. I grab it and answer the FaceTime call from Sydney. I point the camera at the ceiling. 

"Hey babe," She smiles. But then she frowns. "Why can't I see your face?" I stutter with my answer. 

"Hunter," She whines. I sigh and move the camera so my face is visible. "What's that on your neck?" She asks looking at the screen harder.

"I... uh," I mumble.

"Hunter Bryce Rowland are you... are you cheating on me?" She asks, her eyes pooling with tears.


"YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME! ALEX WARNED YOU NOT TO HURT ME. AND AFTER THE RING? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" she yells. The call ends as tears fall from my eyes. I start dying my mother's number.

"Hunter?" My mom asks.

"I'll be on the next flight out. I messed up mom, I messed up real bad," I mumble, tears falling rapidly down my cheeks. 

"What happened?" She asks.

"I'll explain later. I'll see you soon mom," I mumble as I throw my necessities in a bag.

"Where you going?" Blake asks. 

"I messed up. I need to go home," I mumble. He looks at me confused. I call for an uber as I close the bag and throw it over my shoulder. 


I ring the doorbell to Syd's front door. Alex answers. 

"I told you the first day she saw you to never hurt her," He spits looking at me.

"I didn't." He cuts me off.

"You fucking hurt her!" He screams. 

"Alex, who's there?" Syd's voice is heard behind him. She glances over his shoulder and gasps. I could see her puffy and red eyes. 

"Syd," I mumble. 

"No. Go away," She cries. Alex shuts the door in my face. I fall on my knees, as tears fall down my face. 

I fucked up. I fucked up really bad. 


This probably sucks.. I'm sorry!

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