Chapter 22

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Sydney's POV

I'm woken up to my phone ringing. I wipe the drool from my mouth, not realizing I dozed off, and answer the phone. "Hello?" I ask, my eyes barely open and my voice barely audible. "Did I wake you?" Hunter says through the phone. "Kinda," I laugh. "I'm sorry," He laughs. "It's ok. So how's LA?" I ask, laughing. "It's great. But it'd be better if you were here," He sighs. "You're so sappy," I laugh. He scoffs. "I thought you dig that stuff," He laughs. "I do,' I laugh with him. "I miss you," He sighs. "I miss you too," I sigh looking at the half-eaten tub of ice cream. "Hey... Since you're not going to be here for Prom... I was wondering if I could go with Joey.. You know... As friends," I smile. "Shit I'm going to miss prom," He whines. "Yeah. I guess you can go with Joey," He sighs. "You're the best," I smile. "I know," He laughs. "Self-absorbed much?" I laugh. "I'm obviously joking," He laughs. "Mmmhmm," I laugh. "What time is it?" He asks. "I don't know?" I sigh. "You're really too lazy to check the time?" He asks. "Yep," I laugh. "We should stay on the phone all night," He laughs. "Didn't we do that before?" I ask laughing. He laughs. "I think we did." I sigh and hit the little button that turns the call into a FaceTime call. His face pops up and I smile. "Hey beautiful," He smiles. I blush as I set up my phone on the wall. I lay on my side, facing the phone. "Also... It's 9:30," I tell him answering his question about the time. "Oh good, we're in the same time zone," He smiles. I nod. "I could have told you that," I laugh. He rolls his eyes and smiles at me. I yawn a little and sigh. "Life sucks without cuddling with you," I sigh. "I miss your kisses," He sighs. "I miss you in general," I groan. "Look in your closet," He tells me. I give him a confused look. "Just do it," He laughs. I sigh and get up, bringing my phone with me. I open my closet door to reveal like 10 hoodies. "When did you do this?" I ask laughing. "Before I left I gave them to Alex," He smiles. "Thank you," I smile grabbing one of the hoodies. "There's a can of my cologne so you can wash them and then spray it with it so it smells like me," He smiles. "You are the best boyfriend. In the world," I laugh as I put the phone down and take off my shirt. I pull the hoodie over my head and pull my hair out of it. I grab my phone and put it back against the wall and fall back on my bed. "You should get sleep. You have school tomorrow," He sighs. I nod and sigh. "Talk me to sleep," I sigh. He nods and we start a random conversation, I fall asleep almost instantly, Hunter following shortly after. 


This is a cute chapter I'm skipping to Prom shopping next chapter and then the one after that will be about the prom. 

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