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I wake up to a text message. I groan and roll over. It was from Hunter. My anger turns to happiness as I grab my phone and read the text.

{Huntaaaa}: Goodmorning gorgeous.

{Me}: Isn't it like 5 in the morning there go back to bed.

{Huntaaaa}: I wanted to talk to youuuuuu... Is that so bad?

{Me}: It is when you are up at 5.

{Huntaaaa}: Well too bad. I'm up and your stuck texting me. 

{Me}: I'm ok with that.

{Huntaaaa}: So I was wondering if you'd like to FaceTime.

{Me}: I have an android. 

{Huntaaaa}: I saw your phone when I guessed you stop lying.

{Me}: Fine. 

I laugh as my phone starts ringing with a FaceTime call. I answer after putting a pillow over my face. 

"Why are you hiding?" He asks. 

"I look terrible." I laugh. He rolls his eyes(I could tell because I had the end of the pillow by one eye to look at him) 

"You don't look terrible Sid." He laughs. 

"Um yeah, I do." I laugh. He shakes his head no. 

"Move the pillow." He laughs. 

"No!" I squeal with a laugh. Kitty walks in with an angry look on her face. 

"Can you shut up?" She asks.

 "Sorry." I laugh. She sees my phone and rushes to my bed. 

"Who you talking to?" She asks. 

"Aubrey," I say trying to hide my phone. 

"Oh." She says getting off my bed and walking out of the door.

 "Aubrey?" Hunter asks as I shut my door. 

"My best friend that Kitty, my little sister, hates." 

"Kitty?" He asks. 

"Her real name is Maya but she prefers Kitty so yeah." I laugh. 

"Oh and Sid. You don't look terrible." He laughs.

"Lies." I laughed walking into the bathroom which was in my room. Even though our house is a one-story house we have 2 bathrooms, 4 bedrooms, and two living rooms. It's pretty big. I grab my makeup kit and start applying my usual makeup. 

"No makeup!" He demands trying not to laugh. 

"I don't have to listen to you." I laugh continuing to put it on. 

"But you're beautiful without it." He complains.

 "But I'm prettier with it." I laugh. 

"Pretty is a downgrade from beautiful." He laughs.

 "Beautiful is a downgrade from gorgeous. So we both lost." I laugh. He rolls his eyes. I give him a tour of our house since he asked and then I sit on my bed and continue talking to him.

 "So you live in Tennessee, you have 1 sibling, your dad left after Kitty was born, you're mom is a lawyer and you go to McGavock High School." He smiles.

 "And you live in Arizona, have 2 brothers, your dad left, your mom has a job somewhere and you are homeschooled." I laugh.

"Pretty much." He laughs. We talk for about 3 more hours. 

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