Chapter 4

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This chapter is dedicated to Wattpad member nikkiamazingness1 for the beautiful cover and for the alternate cover below (:

He was coming, Dr. Dread was coming. I didn't actually know his name, but it didn't matter. I was ready this time. I clutched the needle in my hand. He had thought it'd fallen off the table when he'd turned his back, but it hadn't. The rough leather straps dug into my wrists, holding me to the table. It kept reality in my head. This was it, this was the night I was going to be free. There was no time to panic, no time to turn back. My life depended on it.

As Dr. Dread ran his scratchy, grubby fingers through my hair. Anger coursed through my veins and I took a breath. They trailed down my arm, disgust most likely visible on my face. He inched closer and closer until he was within my limited reach. I prepared myself and- His grip was crushing. For such a frail old man, he had strength in him. I tried to hold the needle, but there was no strength left in me. It clinked across the cold stone floor, glinting as it caught some inkling of light.

"Trina, Trina, Trina." Dr. Dread smiled crookedly at me. "Tsk! Tsk! And you were my favourite pet." The way he said it gave me the chills.

"I am NOT your pet." I practically growled through clenched teeth. He finally let go of my wrist and paced around the table I was strapped to. I followed him with my eyes, glaring the whole time. I had to get out of here.

Dr. Dread smiled one last time at me before heading towards the cupboards on one side of the room. It was darker over there, so much so that I only saw part of him. That's where the tools were. The ones he used on me.

Everyday I dreaded the needles, the poking and prodding. They made me weak, silencing my so called "abilities". As far as I knew, I was just a normal 17-year-old teenage girl. I felt like a guinea pig, and experiment. I was just another one of his test subjects, his pets, just as he'd called me. It disgusted me.

Suddenly a thought came to me that shocked me with its strength, causing me to gasp. I don't know where it came from; all I know was that it was from something or someone powerful. It was eerie, like something that came from deep within me, yet far, far away. That strength surged through me and I knew what I had to do, or so I thought.


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