Chapter 8

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"So," I said, pushing aside a stray branch. "Since I'm still new to this whole werewolf thing, is there anything you could tell me about it?" It still felt strange, knowing that I was a werewolf. Sometimes I thought I was in some kind of sick and twisted dream.

"Well," Lucas answered as we continued our trek through the thick bush. "If you hadn't yet realized, pain returns us to human form. But you can build up a tolerance to pain. If you learn how to fight it, you won't be forced to Change."

"Okay." I dragged out the word, absorbing the new information. It made sense, if I thought back. The evil elf's scratch and the fall off the hill had both Changed me back because of the pain I'd felt.

"Some things such as injuries," He gestured to my swollen scratch marks. "And anything on the fur or skin," I regarded his blood-stained exterior; which I now know was the elf's blood, not his. "Transfer over from one form to the next." I nodded in understanding, but I still had one question.

"What happens to our clothes? In wolf form, we don't have them, but then, back in human form, they're there again but ruined... I don't get it." I was so busy thinking about it that I tripped on a tree root and tumbled forwards. Lucas caught my arm and steadied me. He looked into my eyes and chuckled. Then he pushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear nonchalantly. His fingers were still so warm and gentle and I closed my eyes, leaning into his now cupped hand.

"You know how people say 'fur is a dog's coat'?" Suddenly the warmth was gone and his voice snapped me back to our conversation. "Well, when we Change, our coat represents the clothing and skin below, getting damaged and dirty in turn."

"I guess that makes sense..." I said mulling over the idea. "It's a new take on it... I mean, as long as I don't Change back naked, I'm gonna be happy." As soon as I finished, I froze. I can't believe I just said that out loud! Lucas was outright laughing now. I felt the heat rising in my face, further revealing my embarrassment as I stood there. I didn't know which way we were going, but I stalked off anyways. I was frustrated and embarrassed. Lucas' laugher trailed off and I heard the leaves and branches crunching behind me as he hurried to catch up.

"Hey, Kat! Wait up! I'm sorry for laughing," He chuckled. "But it was funny." I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and continued on my way.

"Whatever." I said. The noises behind me stopped, but I didn't want to give in to my heart, so on I went. After a little while though, I couldn't help it. "Lucas, I'm sorry, I sort of overreacted and-" I turned around to face more forest. I looked around, frantically searching for any sign of him. Turning up nothing, I wrapped my arms around me, suddenly cold. Where did he go? Then I had a new idea.

Lucas? I focused on him, on my best friend. His gentleness, the charisma in his voice and the way his eyes crinkled up when he smiled. The warmth in his embrace and in his heart. How he protected me and how loyal he was to everyone he knew. His strength and determination that set him apart from every other man I've ever met. Where are you?

Kat? Finally! There's someone after us! You have to hide right now. My heart nearly stopped. All I could think about was how someone in that building knew us. And now they were coming after us, again. I began to shrink behind a tree, holding my breath, hearing the pounding of my heart in my ears.

As my brain went into panic mode playing different scenarios out in my head, I heard some movement behind me. I couldn't let whomever it was know that I heard them, so I simply balled my fist in preparation. When the footsteps were nearly at my heels, I took a swing, spinning around and throwing all my strength into that one punch. I knew I wasn't experienced in self defense, but I was at least hoping to buy some time for myself, but Lucas caught it.

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