Chapter 2

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Thank you to Wattpad member MaddieeKayla-Lynn for her encouragement in my story and getting me to post it on Wattpad (:

"Hello?" I answered the phone, out of breath from running to it. I recognized his voice and tensed the second he spoke.

"Hey Kat, missed ya." He sounded hesitant, as if he were still hiding something, or unsure. Sort of like when a little kid does something wrong and hides within themselves.

"Luke." The word came out in a breath as I fought the tears threatening to spill onto my cheeks. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the anger from his betrayal resurfaced. "Where have you been?" I screamed, not even caring how shrill my voice sounded. "I've been worried about you guys! You shouldn't have ever left! I can't help how I reacted and you of all people should know that I'd never, ever leave you!"

I had still been shouting, but then I cracked. He meant too much to me. I missed him so much it was killing me. "Lucas, you're my best friend and you left me alone..." That's when I lost it. The tears leaked out and drew patterns on my cheeks as I wept the loss of the only person in the world I cared about.

"Kat, please don't cry! Katrina?" His voice cracked a bit, but he kept it together. "I really didn't want to leave, I swear to you. I'm so sorry and I promise to do anything you want to make it up to you. You're not mad at me, are you?" He seemed scared of the answer, but kept going, trying to ease away my tears. "I couldn't stand it if you were mad at me... I can't help being who I am, or rather, what I am."

I took a shakey breath before replying. "Of course not. I just freaked out, I'm sorry." I took a couple more deep breaths and tried to speak. Only a slight waver betrayed my emotions. "You mean the world to me Lucas. There's no way I could ever stay mad at you , especially after 4 months wondering if you were even alive."

"Well I am." I could practically see the smirk spread across his face and a smile creeped up onto mine, brightening the tears. "I want to make you happy again, but there's no way I can ever come back, I'm sorry. But I will always, ALWAYS, be there for you, don't you ever forget that." My heart skipped a beat as I sensed the truth in his words.

"There's a party in Greenfield this weekend, you probably know about it. That's where we are now. Do you think you could convince your parents to let you go this time? I know they usually don't, but maybe this time. It wouldn't hurt to try, right? That is, if you even want to go..." He took a breath as he was rambling, a nervous habit of his. I chuckled, shaking my head.

Again my heart beat rapidly against my chest. The thought of seeing him again, it was just too good to be true, it had been far too long. When I thought about Lucas never coming back, my spirit dropped. Yet this was my chance to finally get the answers I'd been waiting for. There was NO way I was turning this down.

"Of course, but if you don't mind me asking, why exactly now? Out of all this time, why today?" In question I raised my eyebrows, knowing his were furrowed in thought. There was no denying that this was weird timing, I mean, no contact since that day, and now a party? If he was so close, why wait so long? The questions just kept piling up.

"I just couldn't stand being away from you any longer. I'm not supposed to talk to anyone from Clatson... It's so hard for me and the boys, but it's something we just had to do, sometimes a wolf is not welcome and-" He growled, Lucas actually growled. I shuddered, this was just getting weirder and weirder. I heard him take a calming breath, but that growl haunted my mind.

"I can't come back, not ever." He seemed depressed, but what was wrong? What did he mean by 'sometimes a wolf is not welcome'? And what was he going to say? Tension and frustration built up inside of me.

"Well count me in then, I'll find a way to be there. I was just wondering what you meant by-"

"I can't tell you, so please don't ask." I felt him cringe at interrupting me as he tried to redeem himself. "I'm sorry, but I really can't, I would if I could..." I couldn't help but wonder what was stopping him from telling me, or what else he was keeping from me.

"I guess I'll see you this weekend then." I said slowly, but I smiled to myself; no matter what his issues were, I really wanted to see him.

"The party starts at 7 O'Clock Saturday night, see you then!"

"Saturday it is then." And the line went dead.


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