The Vents

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Webby's pov
After finishing our sunday, which was delicious, we headed back to the museum. Upon arriving we went all around untill I spotted an opening. "Dewey up there!" I shout pointing to a vent cover. It was all the way on top near the roof's edge. "And how are we supposed to get up there without falling to our death?" Dewey asks a little freaked out at  my request. I respond, "Technically the fall will only break our bones not really kill us." Dewey gave me a death glare before trying to climb. Quotes on trying. After the first step his foot ( I don't know ifs it's foot webbed foot or whatever.) slipped and he fell on his tail feather.

"Ow." Dewey says rubbing his now brused tail. "What exactly were you expecting to happen?" I ask helping him up. "I'm okay thanks for asking." Dewey responds sarcastically.

I looked around to see if there was a way up and there was. I spot a railing heading to the roof. It had a ladder leading to the rail but, it was too high. Well, maybe too high for a normal duck. But not for me. I jumped on a trash can and then to a wall. Then I pushed myself off and did a flip landing on the rail. I kicked the ladder down and saw Dewey in awe.

"Woah!" Dewey screams while climbing the ladder. "How are you so awesome?!" "I-It wasn't that awesome." I say embarrassed. I felt my face heat from his complement. But I don't think he noticed.

After going on to the roof I bend down to where the vent grate was. I grabbed the small holes and pulled. It wouldn't budge. "Do you need help?" Dewey asks bending down trying to reach the grate. "No. I'm good." I say pushing his hand away and pulling the grate. Suddenly the grate ripped off but while doing so I lost my footing and fell off the roof.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed waiting for impact. "Ahhhhh?" I say confuse about why my face hasn't met the pavement below. That's when I felt a force pulling my shirt. I turned my head to see Dewey holding my shirt to keep me from falling. He pulled me up and I collapsed on to him. We where face too face. Our beaks were nearly touching. I didn't know what to do. I tried to get up but slipped and fell back down. I caught a glimpse of his eyes, they were beautiful, like the stars in the sky. I have never seen anything like them before and I don't think I ever will. I felt my heart racing and my face began to burn. I look at his his beak then back to his eyes. I saw that he was looking into my eyes as well. I felt like he was looking right into my soul. I couldn't move. I didn't know what to do but stare, at him, his face, his eyes, his everything. I saw Dewey's face began to turn a dark shade of pink. He was so cute when he blush. Wait blush!? Why would he blush? Am I blushing? No! Why would I blush? I looked at Dewey again and my heart sped to a thousand miles a minute. Oh, that's why. I tried to speak but, "I-I-I," was all that could stutter out.

Dewey's pov
When Webby fell on me my face began to darken. She was looking at my eyes like they were something so amazing she didn't want to look away scare they would disappear. I looked at her face it was darkening red by the second. She looked so scare yet beautiful at the same time. She looked at my beak, then my cheeks, and back to my eyes. Her face was so red you would think it couldn't get redder but they did. Why was her face red anyways?

"I-I-I," Webby's stuttering knocked me back to reality. I turned us around so I was on top of her. Her face started to turn even redder. I stood up and gave Webby a hand. She stared at it for a moment before taking it. I pulled her up and she respond with a, "Th-Thanks." She was still looking at my eyes. "No problem." I say looking back. I felt like my heart was gonna burst out any moment now. After another minute of looking at her I broke the silence. "Umm," I began looking away and bringing my attention back to the vent. "After you." Webby blinked her eyes, nodded, then bent down to the vent. She climbed into the vent and I went right after.

We crawled in silence, and neither of us knew what exactly to say. It began to make me feel weird so, I tried to start a conversation. "Beautiful day we are having isn't it." The sudden sound made her jump. She stopped for a moment before continuing. "Y-yeah i-it is." She responds still crawling. "Hey, I wonder what Launchpad is doing." "Ye-yeah. Me too."

In a hotel somewhere in the city
Mia the panda was rapping a bandage around Launchpad's shoulder. He quince from the pain. "Sorry." Mia replied. "It's okay." Launchpad respond looking at her. The both leaned in and...
Back in the vents

"So do you know where we are going or are we just wandering around?" I ask after crawling for what seems like hours but was probably only a few minutes. "It's just up here. We should be there in about, right, NOW!" Webby screamed as she fell down a vent. I fell with her not being able to stop in time. It was like a slide but dark and metal. Our screams turned from scared to having a blast. The vents took us right,then left, back, and forward. It was Awesome! Then, the grate opened and we fell out and landed on the museum's floor.

"That. Was. Awesome!" I shouted as I got up. "Yeah! We were like whish and woosh" Webby said moving her hand all around like they were us on the 'slide'. "We have got to do that again!" I say then I took a look around us. This doesn't look like a place for dishes. "Where are we?" I ask. The room was dark with no lights and there were boxes and containers holding weird objects. "This must be the storage." Webby proclaim while looking for the light. She found and clicked it. The light came on and we were able to see all the stuff. There was a Christmas tree with lights, and a scarecrow probably for Halloween. There was also brushes, boards, books, and other boring stuff.

I checked the door but, it was locked. "Great." I say sarcastically, "we're locked in. How do we get out now." "Well, we can always go back the way we came in." Webby says looking at the vent we came from. Hmm I looked around for a way to get up but all there is is boxes. Hmm I wonder... I started putting boxes together. Webby saw what I was trying to do and helped me stack the boxes. We made a staircase out of the boxes leading to the vents. When we finished we started to climb but, it was too Shakey for both of us so, I let Webby go first. While climbing she accidentally knocked over the top box. There was glass in it so, it broke and glass went everywhere. It also made a loud thud which probably alerted the workers.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Hey!" Yelled a loud deep voice of an older man. "Who's in there!" I tried to stay quiet but then I heard keys jingle. Uh oh. "Hurry up!" Webby shouted I turned and started climbing when... Bam the door burst open. A Dog about 6'5 with drown fur came in. He was wearing a security guard's suit. He saw me and yelled at me to stop. I climbed faster as he started climbing after me. When I made it to the vent he caught up and grabbed my leg. "Ahh!" I screamed. My hands slipped but Webby caught one. I kicked my legs trying to shake his hand off. "Gotta you little-" he was interrupted by the box staircase. It was wobbling too much. He held his free hand on the box to keep his balance. That gave me an idea. "I'm sorry." I say before kicking the box underneath him. That box hit another box which started a domino effect causing all the other boxes to fall. The Dog let go and fell as the boxes came tumbling down. "Ahh!" I closed my eyes until I heard a, Crash! I looked down to see him dazed on the boxes with different thing all around him. I sigh knowing I didn't kill him. Then I followed Webby up the vent.

"Woah." I say reliving the situation from a few seconds ago. "That was a close one." "Yeah," Webby says looking at a crossway," no kidding." "So, which way?" I ask seeing she is still looking at both decisions. "I um I don't know." "What!" I say surprised. How does she not know where it is. She said she did. What happened? "What do you mean you don't know?" I ask her in a little harsh tone. "I mean," she says frustrated and raising her volume. "I don't know!" "How do you not know!" I say just as frustrated rising my volume as well. "Because!" She yell, "When we went down we got all twisted!" "So what does that mean. Are we lost." I ask in a calmer tone. "Yeah." She says calming down. "We are lost."

Author's note
Thank you for reading. I really enjoyed writing this chapter it was fun. This Monday is my birthday and I can't wait. I'm finally going to be 14 years old. Until next time. Bye!

Quakesville Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora