The 1st note

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Webby's POV
"Hmm, Dust, old, best known, and bones?" Where could that be. Or when? Dusty and old bones, those are fossils. And what's the best known type of fossils? Dinosaur! "Ah-ha! I know where the first note is." "Where!" "It's at the dinosaur exhibit." I see Dewey is confused so I try my best to explain it. "Old dusty bones are called fossils. And when you think of fossils you think of dinosaur." "Oh, but what dinosaur?" "Hmm" I think for a moment. Best know. What's the best known dinosaur? The Tyrannosaurus Rex. "Dewey when you think of dinosaur what's the first thing that pops in your head?" "A T-Rex" I look at him, waiting for realization to hit. He looks back at me and after about 5 seconds,"Oh!" I facepalmed myself. Dewey may be my best friend but, sometimes I just wonder."Sorry. But hey that was some good thinking. You're really smart Webby." Huh. That's weird. My face feels a little warm. I don't know why but I smiled and said, "Thanks."

Now all we had to do was find the exhibit. Dewey suggested we should get a map so, we went to the entrance.
"Hello There,"said the worker, she was a dog about 5'7 with light drown fur. "Do you need anything? "Do you know where the S.S is?" Dewey asked "umm no you should ask Mira she is the only one who knows where everything is." "Dang it." Dewey mumbled. I guess Mira is really the only one who knows. I asked, "Do you have a map of the whole museum?" "We sure do! Let me go get it." She walked to the side where a folder was containing the maps. She picked up one and handed it to us. "Here you go." I took it from her hands and said, "Thank you miss." "No problem. I'm happy to help." Then she went back to her paperwork while we looked at the map.

The dinosaur exhibit was around the front near the gift shop. While on the way I saw the cutest little thing I have EVER SEEN! It was so ADORABLE! "EEEK!" Dewey stop after hearing me screamed he ran up to me with a worried face and ask, "What? What is it? What happened?" I could barely speak. I grabbed Dewey's face a showed him what I saw. It was a pink, fluffy Dinosaur about half the size of my head. "I gotta have it!" I exclaimed before checking my pockets. No luck. "Nononononono I left my wallet back home." Aww it was so cute. Why! "Hey it's okay Webby here." Dewey said as he pulled out his wallet. "How much is it?" He asks. "Let's find out." I say as I dragged him with me into the shop. I picked up the dinosaur. It cost 8 bucks and was the last one. Fortunately we got there before someone took it. I ran with Dewey to the cashier.

"May I help you two." "Yes," Dewey said, " I would like this dinosaur. It's for her before you ask." She laughed as she scanned the tag. "That'll be $8.09." Dewey handed a $10 bill and put the change he received away. The cashier put it in a bag and handed it to me. I took it out and hugged it. It was so fluffy. I hugged Dewey and thank him a hundred times. He hugged back and said ,"You're welcome." "Aww you two are such a cute couple." "WHAT!" Me and Dewey yelled at the same time. Looking at the cashier. "W-we're not a couple." I say to convince her otherwise. "Yeah," Dewey added, "We're best friends that's all." When Dewey said that I don't know why but I felt sad like I didn't like what he said. But why wouldn't I it's true.

"Oh really" she looks down at our hands which I just realized were connected. Both of us let go and turned away. I felt my face heat up a lot. I must be as red as Huey's hat. I looked over to Dewey. He was just as red if not more and for some reason that made me feel better. I looked at the cashier. She had the biggest smirk I have ever seen.

After leaving the gift shop we went to the plane to drop off Fluff. Yes, I named him Fluff. It's because he's fluffy. When we got there Launchpad wasn't there. Huh. Wonder where he could be.
Across the city
"Launchpad!" Screamed a panda woman as Launchpad fell off a roof "Ahhhhhh!"
Back at the museum
When we came back we went straight to the Dinosaur exhibit. The T-Rex was easy to find. Unfortunately, the note was all the way on top in the skull. "Okay," Dewey says popping his knuckles, "what's the plan Webby."

3rd person's pov
Webby thought for a moment before jumping on to the wall then flipping off and over the T-Rex skeleton. While in the air she grabbed the paper off the skull and landed right in front of Dewey. Dewey was dumbfounded. He knew Webby was awesome but he never thought she could do that. "Woah that was awesome! You're amazing Webby!" Webby's face became a light shade of pink. "Th-thanks." She stuttered. "It was nothing." "So what's next?" Dewey asks not aware that Webby's face was a different shade. "Let's see." Webby read the note out loud, Well done. You have found the first note. On the back of the counter there is a red button. Click it. A keyboard will appear, a password will be needed to open the secret door. Every note will have one number. You must find the notes in order for this to work.

Before we wrap this up you must find
What the Egyptians left behind
Closed in sarcophagus for the night
So they can leave to find the light.

Webby and Dewey ran back to the counter. They checked the back and soon enough they found a button. "Oo button." Dewey exclaimed before clicking it. Just as he did a hidden hatch underneath it opened. They keyboard was there. The screen shows six empty box. "Six boxes means six numbers."Webby stated while Dewey complained. "So we have to find six notes and answer six riddles?" "Yup. This gonna be so much fun. Good thing I always keep a marker just in case."

Webby took the marker and crossed out the dinosaur exhibit. She then drew six lines on the bottom. "Now all we have to do is find the numbers, write them down, and we will finally find the Spear of Selene." "Alright. Let's do this!"

Author's note
Thanks for reading. I hope the debbigail moment was as cute as I thought it was. Yesterday was my sister's birthday but instead of swimming in the pool. I was sitting down writing this. Well I might have tooken a quick dive ( ; until next time. Bye!

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