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Author's note
Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I have been busy but I will try to write more often. I hope you like it.
Dewey's pov
Running from an old lady sure makes you hungry. We walked to the first restaurant. "Wacky's burger shack"Webby read, she looked at me and said, "This sounds like a good place to eat. What do you think Dewey?" I checked my wallet, I had $21.91 left. Hopefully it won't be expensive. "Sounds good to me."

The place was old and run down. The walls were dark brown with cracks in them. The table were wobbly and the chairs were small and breaking. The booths had cuts in them and the floor was cracked.It was empty beside us, some dude in the back, and a waiter by the cashier. I don't like the vibes I'm getting from this. "Maybe we should go somewhere else." I say as a pig came out of the restroom and into the kitchen. "Yeah let's go."

We went to the next restaurant. This one was bright pink. There were chairs with pink cushions and the tables were clean and sparkly. There were a few maybe six customers in there . All of them had little girls who had a small unicorn with them. Oh no. This is my worst nightmare. All of  this is sparkles are hurting my eyes. "Webby let's leave this-" "What!?" Webby interrupted, "Leave, but this place is perfect and is that a cotton candy machine!" Webby ran to the guy selling cotton candy and got in line.There was a sign at the front. It read, Welcome to Silvia's sprinkle fun town. Perfect for your little girls. Yup it's perfect for my girl. I-I mean my friend who is a girl! It's perfect for her. I'm not saying she's mine. I'm just saying she love it here. Not love! Like yeah like. Wait what am I talking about again? Oh right Webby.

I walked up to her and ask, "Do you really want to go here?" "Yes", she responds, "Can we please Dewey?" She connected her hand and started quivering her bill. She then gave the cutest puppy eyes I have ever seen. It was too much. "Aw, fine." I said in defeat. "Yes!" When it was time to order Webby order one cotton candy. "That'll be $8.22." Jeez! $8.22 for cotton candy. And I haven't even gotten my self something to eat. "Here you go." I handed him the money and got the candy for Webby. "Thank you Dewey." She says with that same smile from earlier. "Your welcome."

I went to the counter to order some real food. I looked at the menu. $5 for two small cheese burger! How does the cotton candy  cost more than 2 cheese burgers!? "I'll have two Cheese burgers please." Two Cheese burgers coming up. Would you like a sunday with that? It only cost $7." Wait the sunday cost more than the, oh nevermind. "Umm," I looked at Webby who had sparkles in her eyes. I agreed. "Okay." "Very well. Your total will be $20.75" I handed the last of my money away. I received a dollar back back. Aww my poor money.

3rd person's pov
"Thanks Dewey." Webby said mounching on the surgar goodness. "I promise I will pay you back." "What. No Webby you don't have to. It's my treat for your help. If anything I should be thanking you." Webby smiled and handed Dewey the cotton candy. He took a chunk and shoved it in his mouth. Then, "Bleh!" Dewey spit it out of his mouth and grabbed his water. Webby giggled

"What's wrong Dewey?" "It's way too sweet. Eww I could still taste the surgar." "I thought you like surgar?" Webby responds with a intreged face. "I do. I just perfur my surgar in my cookies, ice cream,cake," "so basically everything but cotton candy." "Yup." Webby and Dewey lagughed a bit. Then the food came.
Dewey's pov
To the best part of the meal. The ice cream. They set the ice  in front of the two and gave Webby a spoon and Dewey a fork. "Sorry we ran out of spoons." How do you run out of spoons? There's only 6 other people here. And none of them are eating ice cream. " Dewey if you want you can have my spoon." Webby said handing me her spoon.

"No. It's okay. Plus it's more of a challenge to use a fork." Webby looked at the sunday smiled and looked at me. I can tell she is thinking of something. "Okay Dewey I challenge you to pick up that cherry with the fork and eat it." "That's it? Challenge accepted." After about 5 minutes of trying I finally did it. "Ah-ha!" I threw the cherry in the air and caught it in my beak. "Tada!"

"Wow I didn't think you could do that with a fork." "You can use a fork for anything. Fruit, ice cream, meat and soup." "Wait a minute. Say that again." "You can use a fork for anything? Fruit, ice cream, meat and soup?" "That's it!" Webby sear threw the notes and pulled out the latest one. She turned it to me and pointed at the riddle.

In the past I'm use to eat.
Sometime fruit and sometime meat
I'm still use nowaday.
But how I'm made has changed it's way

"It's ancient silverware." Webby said. Great. We know what the answer is but we still have no way to get the next one. If that old lady catches us we are toast. "How do we get in without getting caught?" I ask. Then I see Webby look up. I follow her eyes and see what she's looking at. We looked at each other and thought the same thing. "The vents."

Author's note
Sorry if it was not that good. The next one will be better. Until next time. Bye.

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