Spin Off

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This is just a small spin-off of this story. I mentioned Midoriya's weapons, but never put them to use. So yeah.

|Story Starts Now|

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Midoriya looks up from the scope and stares at the target, humming with a soft tune and smiling. He glances at his teacher and waits for a response from her. He had hit vital points on the LE Silhouette target. He doesn't get why she's making him do this but hey, why not? It may be vital one day. In case he needs to use it—doesn't matter if it's terrible, it'll save him one day. He likes to use sniper rifles for they give a better advantage, hiding and being able to pick things off from a range is a good thing. "You'll have to get used to using pistols, one day they can save your life from close range attacks."

"You do realize that I'm a hero-in-training, right?" He smiles all the while at his cousin once removed. She's so cool always helping him with the basics of a gun. "But I know what you mean. It might do some good to shoot someone in the leg or arm as a way to incapacitate them and not kill them."

"That's the spirit! Just make sure not to kill anyone and you're good. After all, don't you have a teacher with a gun quirk?" At that, she nods and tells him to come back whenever he had the chance and sent him off his way.

* * *

"Watch out!" Midoriya gives the warning right as something hits the wall with a loud thud, and someone yelling in pain. The night was supposed to be peaceful with them all relaxing and not having to deal with the stress of school and the world outside. Of course, when having a problem child in your class, that will never happen. The only upside is that the class president is there at the moment to deal with the whole mess about having dangerous weapons in the dorms and what not. Midoriya is freaking out as he quickly scanned the crowd to see who he hit by mistake. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Who did it hit?"

"It hit me," says Hagakure. He can see where her blood is coming from and sighs softly at seeing that it only nicked her on the outer shell of her ear. "It's okay Midoriya. What was that any wa—?" She cuts off with a shriek at seeing him pull out a knife from the wall. He twirls the knife as she asks, "Why are you throwing knives in the common room?"

  "Oh, I didn't mean to. I was messing with it when it slipped out of my grasp. Sorry about that Hagakure," he says giving her an apologetic smile. He whistles and walks away twirling the blade in his fingers as he goes back to the couch. He thinks for a while, everyone staring warily at the knife in their friend's hand that may slip out at any moment. They flinch when Midoriya jolts up straightening his back to look at the vice class president with excitement in his eyes. "Hey, Yaoyorozu, do you know what a PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II is?"

This sends a few people to look at the boy with wide eyes, worried with what might be going through that head of his. Why does he need to know about her knowledge on a rifle? The said girl gapes at him for a second, wondering if she should answer but sighs before saying, "Um yes. It's a standard automatic sniper rifle used in the French Army. Why do you ask for something like that?"

He rubs his nape with a nervous laugh, looking at his lap. "Sorry if it comes off as worrisome. I just want to know if you have a clue on how to get one. My cousin is looking for one to add to her shooting range and I told her I'd ask around. I was wondering if you can make me one and I'd pay you for the rifle. Of course, not now but that's if you want to make one. I don't mean—I um—"

"It's fine. I'm guessing your cousin can't afford one?"

"Yeah. Her shooting range isn't getting enough people ever since an accident there and she's been eyeing a PGM for a long time. But if you can't, I can always do some research for it and see what I can find. Of course, buying it will have a problem. I think I might be able to give her the money for it." He hums and thinks, slowly starting to mutter, "Maybe America. They have guns and I heard from an internet friend that buying them aren't that difficult."

"Should we be concerned with the fact that he's thinking about buying a gun, or the fact that he just asked Momo to make one?" asks Kaminari who earns shrugs in response. "Hey, Midoriya, you should take me to the shooting range one day. I'd like to see your skill."

"Hah? Sure! I can take whoever wants to."

* * *

Gunshots filled the air. A small scream of pain and the person falls onto the ground, gripping their arm and leg. The one behind the trigger drops the gun and stares at the villain. He had to. He had to. That was the right thing to do. Right? He's hyperventilating now, staring at the puddle of blood from the leg and arm injury. Green eyes never leaving the villain who had tried to rob the store with a gun. The cashier is quirkless, the people around couldn't use their quirks without the law breathing down their backs or because of not being able to use their quirks well. Midoriya had acted quickly, grabbing the robber's wrist and having him aim at the ceiling before ripping the gun out of his grip.

He tried to use his quirk on a civilian and he fired a warning shot before being forced to shoot him in the two limbs. It doesn't matter what the situation was, he can't think of it being good. He thought he'd be fine with incapacitating villains if driven to the corner but now? He forces himself to snap out of it, asking someone to get him a rope from one of the aisles and thanking the person who did. He ties up the villain, treating the wounds the best he can before making sure he doesn't have any more weapons.

Shaking in his shoes as he stands, he looks towards everyone. "Is everyone okay? No one's hurt?" No one other than the villain, and everyone is glad to be okay. One woman thanks him but shrieks when he collapses to the ground having a mild panic attack.

The police arrive and ask people while Tsukauchi thanks the woman for helping calm the boy and takes it from there. The media does not speak about the injured villain, nor about who injured him. Everything was taken care of and Midoriya is calmed down. They reassure him that he did good, that he acted quickly and saved many people. "You didn't kill him. You only injured him. He will be fine and everything will be okay," reassures Tsukauchi as he drives All Might's successor back to the academy.

They never told him, but the guy was the villain from a few weeks prior. El Silbón will no longer terrorize anyone again, they'll make sure of it.

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