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A week after
I ran out of fucking cigarettes.
I have no other choice.

I put on my small black coat and my hat, and i go into the corner shop. The Asian man at the desk is on his phone, blabbering on in another language to someone on the other end, with his back faced towards me. I slip my hand past the till and reach for a pack of cigarettes, actually, ill get two packs.
Silently, i tiptoe out, opening the door ajar just so i could fit out. I did it. I stole cigarettes.

After about a minute of standing outside lighting them, i see a figure on the other side of the road staring at me, it looks like a girl, i think. Her hair is kind of ginger, her legs skinny, and thats when i realised it was that Gracie girl i met a week earlier. I waited a moment, then waved. She walked across the road towards me and came up to me.

' i saw you steal that pack of cigarettes'

'Shhh! They will hear you.' I say

'Urgh, fine but dont do it again.'

She seemed to really care. I was having none of it, but she is the first person in this world to actually care about me.

I offer her a cigarette, she says no, so i ask her why she has that paracetamol.

I stare at her eyes for a minute, and she stares into mine.

Then, she just walks off...

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