V: Unexpectedness

Start from the beginning

"Don't like crowdiness, I see," suddenly an unexpected and heard British voice returned you back to reality, by interrupting your thoughts. You quickly turned your head and saw him dressed all in black. Black hoodie with hood over his head, black leather jacket that layed on his shoulders opened, black jeans and pair of square sized black sunglasses were on top of his nose. He looked like he was hiding. You recognized him.

"Were you in the cafe?" you asked cautiously.

"Yes, I was," he said and bended his head a little. "I thought that maybe you could recognize me from somewhere else," he took the hood and his sunglasses off revealing his chocolate shade pair of eyes and curly auburn hair. Of course, that's him. "I'm Thomas, remember me?"

"How could I forget those eyes?"

Oh no you didn't.

"Uh um... I'm sorry?" he looked at you a little dumbfounded then looked at his knees and scratched his head a little, slightly uncomfortable.

You didn't just say that.

"I... uh... um... I know you... I mean... you are pretty unforgettable... I mean... no... that's not what I meant... I mean um-" you were trying to say anything like it was first time for you to speak English. Your rambling was cut of by his sudden burst in laughter. His laughter wasn't mean or fake. It was so sweet and real. It almost sounded angelic.

You looked at him conjured. Something about him was so attractive, but you don't know what. You know a lot of attractive guys and you are not drawn into them at all, but this is different. He is different. You stopped staring at him before it would get creepy and looked to your knees a little embarrassed. Hopefully, you're not blushing, although, that's pretty naive hope.

"Don't be nervous, I get what you mean," he looked at you a little serious. "I know that it's weird that I followed you, but I saw you storming out of the cafe and you were looking for something in the stand," he looked at you pursing his lips and waiting for your reaction, receiving none, he continued. "And I thought," he looked to the box he was holding and opened it revealing six doughnuts. "You were looking for these."

Tom's POV

Her eyes brightened, and she smiled looking at me happily.

"You are willing to give me those?" she asked while her eyes sparkled excitedly. She looked so pure, so happy. She looked like puppy, who's  owner told that they are going for a walk.

"I kind of wanted this for me and my buddy, because I know these are very delicious, but it looked like it was very important for you right now. I'm not gonna ask why, even though it's pretty weird, but-" I was cut off by her. She grabbed the doughnuts out of my hands to hug me tightly. My arms stayed wide open for a moment surprised at her sudden affection, but later hugged her too. Since she was shorter than me, it was quite comfortable to hug her.

"Thank you," she said blushing slightly and brushing the back of her arm uncomfortably, that held the box of doughnuts. She looked a little embarrassed. Why is she so nervous around me? I haven't revealed that I'm a celebrity or something.

I smiled at her pursing lips a little and turned to leave. "Don't go," she said, I turned to look at her surprised . "I mean, if you want, you can go, I thought, that maybe you would want to... um... talk with me? Eat one doughnut each, I could tell you why I really needed them," she rambled again. "Unless you have to go," she looked at me cautiously and I smiled at her revealing my teeth.

"Yeah, I would like that."


We talked for hours. I haven't talked with someone that long in a while. I just talked with this girl, that bumped into me two days ago and it felt so good. She talked about her shitty boss and why she needed those doughnuts. She talked about her mom. I talked about my brothers and my best friend Harrison. When I talked about him, she looked a little sad. I asked why, she shook her head, but then after short silence, she started.

"I have a best friend Abby, I told her something really rude, that I didn't mean. I will see her tomorrow at school, I don't know how to apologize her," she said sadly looking at her knees.

"You know," I gained her attention back to me and started. "When I get in a fight with my mate, and it is my fault, I tell him how important he is to me and that I never meant what I said," I told her this all looking in her eyes directly and none of us looked away. After talking this much with me she felt more comfortable. "That's it, just tell her that you care about her and no matter what, you will stand by her side."

She nodded and then looked away. "Well, it's getting late, I guess I need to go, I ate only one doughnut today, so I'm pretty hungry now," she giggled a little and got up the big stump, that we both shared.

"Yeah, me too," I got up too.

"Bye, Thomas," she pursed her lips and before she left, I took her hand. She was surprised, and I looked at her, I forgot what I wanted to say for a moment and just opened my mouth widely still having a little grip on her wrist and after few seconds words finally came out of my mouth. "Do you come here often?"

"Yeah," she said and I let her go. "Tomorrow? Will you... uh be here?"

She laughed a bit. "Only really late, I have work on every week day, except Friday," I nodded and before she left, we waved at each other.



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