Chapter Two: Fight

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~Astrid's POV~
We were searching threw The Book Of Dragons until Heather came running in "Viggo is coming your way!" Heather yelled and we gasped "mount up and get ready for battle!" Hiccup yelled mounting Toothless and flying off. I mount Stormfly and followed Hiccup. We saw about 20 ships of Viggo's "hello Hiccup! Long time no see?!" We hear Viggo shout and we look at him. Toothless was about to shoot but Fishlegs stopped him by getting in front if him "stop!" Fishlegs yelled and Toothless swallowed his fire. "Hiccup look at his boat!" Fishlegs said getting out of the way. We look closer and we see the human species. "Oh no!" Hiccup yelled angerily and Viggo smirked evily.
~(Y/N)'s POV~
I watch as Viggo talked with the riders. One was big with short blonde hair, one that was skinny and has chocolate brown hair, another that was short and has black short hair, there was twins of a boy and a girl, and one really caught my attention, she was skinny but not as skinny as the brown one and she had blonde hair. "What is it going to be Hiccup?! Risk killing one of the rarest species known to man or give up and give me the Dragon Eye?!" Viggo yelled and pointed to me. I growled at Viggo and tried getting out of the chains but failed. It wasn't dragon proof but there was a muzzle on my mouth. None of them answered but glared at Viggo. Viggo smirked and walked towards me "maybe you need a boost on deciding!" Viggo yelled looking down at me with a evil grin, making me growl. Viggo then kicked my stomach making it hard to breathe. I choked and panted, trying to get my breathe back. I look up at them to see them shocked, concerned, sad, angry, and feared. "Well Hiccup? Decided yet?" Viggo asked and they didn't say anything but the brown haired boy closed his eyes tightly and look away. Viggo grabbed my hair and I winced a little since he was tugging at it a little "watch what your doing Hiccup" Viggo said and he hesitantly looked. Viggo then slam my head in his knee making my head get dizzy and lightheaded. Viggo looked at Hiccup and he was still not willing to give him the Dragon Eye. Viggo slammed the back of my head against the pole. My head and nose start breathing and made it hard to breathe more. Viggo brought out his sword and my eyes widen. Viggo was about to slice my head until Hiccup yelled "ok I'll give you the Dragon Eye!" Hiccup yelled and Viggo stopped when the sword was just at my neck. Viggo smirked more and pulled back the sword. "Good" Viggo said letting go of my hair and made my head hung low. Hiccup and the blonde landed down on Viggo's boat. "Get the girl" Hiccup said to the blonde and she nod. She walked over to me while Hiccup gave Viggo the Dragon Eye. I tried saying something but the muzzle was still on my mouth. The blonde noticed and took off the muzzle. "Why are you doing this? Why are you helping?" I asked and she looked up at me while struggling to get the chains off "because we arent going to let you die" she said and I sighed "I'm not the only one on this boat" I said and she looked at me with a little bit of concern "my little brother is on this boat. I think their beating him up since Ryker was already beating him up" I explained and she went wide eyed "thoughs bastards" I heard her mumble. She then realized there was a lock on the chain. The blonde gasped and I see Viggo smirk and look at us. "Now!" Viggo shouts and guards comes out from all sorts of directions. I gasped and look at the blonde to see her axe out and getting ready to battle "ASTRID!" Hiccup yelled to the blond- Astrid. "Astrid, get out of here. Leave me behind, you don't know me! Go before you get killed!" I yelled trying to break free. She looked at me with sorrow and apologetic eyes. Her Deadly Nadder grabs the back of her shirt and flies off. I see guards trying to shoot them down but I used all my strength to break the chains, probably bruising my bones a little. I ran over to the hunters and kicked and punched them. They all had their attention on me and some shot arrows at me while others punched and kicked me. I winced and sometimes screeched in pain. Five guards pin me down on my stomach. I shot at the guards and threw the five that pinned me down off my back. I scratched, clawed, and fired at them.
~Astrid's POV~
I watch as the women about my age struggle at fighting so many guards. I feel guilty leaving her behind, Viggo will do something bad to her after fighting all thoughs guards "we have to do something Hiccup!" Fishlegs yelled "I know. But what are we going to do? We can't risk hurting her or sinking the ship" Hiccup said and we hear a screech. We look back at the battle to see the (h/c) hair woman being pinned down again with arrows in her shoulders and back. They put a muzzle over their mouth so they can't shoot anymore. I grew furious and was about to fly down and help but Hiccup stopped me by going in front of me "Astrid! It's to dangerous! We'll make up a plan to get her free but for now we have to escape" Hiccup said "but-" I got interrupted by Hiccup "we'll come back for her, I promise" Hiccup said. I look at him and back at the girl before back at Hiccup. I groaned in annoyance and flew off in a different direction. I looked back at her to see that she's trying to fight against their grip before the clouds blocked the scene. I sighed and looked back up "why is Astrid so eager to get a stranger out of danger?" Ruffnut asked "I don't know. There's something about her that makes me trust her" I said "well either way we have to get her away from Viggo. He'll be much more stronger and they'll torture her after she just fought off their guards" Hiccup said "she might be the last of her kind to!" Fishlegs said and we nod in agreement besides me "she isn't" I said and they look at me "while I was struggling to get her free she said she has a little brother. She said their possibly torturing him since Ryker already beaten him up when they  wen onboard" I explained "so we have to save two of their species?! Man this is going to be a drag!" Snotlout complains. "It will be tough but we have to do it!" Hiccup said looking forward. I sighed and look forward hope her and her brother is ok.

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