graves ch5

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Cana pov

I stood next to Neji silently as Gai sensei explained our mission, we were going to retrieve a scroll from Suna, Gai says he wants to train me to not rely on my kekkie genkai so I'm not allowed to use my curses unless absolutely necessary... how boring.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my slightly knotty blonde hair as I turned away to prepare for the mission, we have to meet at the gate in an hour so I have an hour to kill.

I've been living with Asuma Sarutobi since my mom was killed and I'm starting to open up to him a bit I actually like living with him he's a nice funny guy he's a great shinobi and a decent Cook he's like the father I never had.

As I walked the streets of kohoha my mind drifted to Neji. Lee is always complaining about how selfish and arrogant he is but I don't see it, he's kind and gentle to me, maybe he's like that to Lee because he's trying to focus on a mission/ training or it also could be because Lee never shuts up about youth, but it's sweet he has something like that to believe in, it motivates him.

"Na- chan!" I heard someone shout behind me.
"Lee how many times do I have to tell you to call me Cana? Na sounds like you're randomly saying no so it's confusing and I dislike it" I complained and he smiled brightly at me before saying.
"My sweet rose petal of youth! I shall protect you on this youthful mission even if it costs me my life!" He totally ignored my previous comment...

"That's sweet...? But I'm a strong ninja I took you down easily remember? I promise I'll protect you too though I mean we are team mates we look out for one another" I said smiling.

"Come my youthful blossom follow me to the gate of our beautiful village" Lee said really loudly ignoring what I said (again) as he offered me his hand which I took before being dragged behind a running Lee.

"Wait Lee... we have half a hour left before we need to meet" I stated and Lee said some stuff about youth, being earlier, youth and youth.

"I'll catch you up I need to do something first" I said and he nodded then left, and I walked to the cemetery.

Looking around there were millions of graves which 80% were the graves of shinobi, a cemetery is proof the life isn't how you want it to be. After a bit of walking around I found my mother's grave and I lay a single white rose on top and wiped away a lone tear that thought it'd be fun to come out to play.

"Mom... I joined a genin squad a month ago, they're nice Lee is hyperactive and doesn't shut up about youth but he's a good sweet kid, tenten is cool and Is really good with weapons she has a crush on one of the boys on my team but refuses to tell me which one, my bets on Lee cause neji ignores her, unless girls dig that. Then there's neji he's sweet kind and funny he's been there for me since you... he's he's a hyuga and a prodigy he's super good at his kekkie genkai I just wish I could get better at mine"

After talking to my mom for a little bit I stood up and went to leave but then I saw a raven haired hyuga in the distance and I walked over to him, he had his back to me and didn't sense my presence which was unusual as I wasn't hiding it.

I heard him sniff and I instantly knew he was crying so I hugged him from behind and he tensed but I didn't care and I continued to hug him, he turned around in my arms and hugged be back.
"Let it out" I muttered and he did. He started sobbing into my hair he was letting out all of the emotions he built up over the years and sobbed like a small child and I rubbed circles on his back in a comforting mannor as I let him cry.

When he stopped crying he looked up at me with red puffy eyes and I gave him a slight smile.

"Thank you..." he muttered and I didn't say anything, I didn't need to, he already knew what I would say.

curses are easy to undo neji X ocWhere stories live. Discover now