quickest way to a girls heart... CHIDORI ch9

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"try again, remember the signs well" Kakashi-sensei said as I redid the hand signs being careful with each one, Ox → Rabbit →  Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey. A few sparks flew off my hands before it went out again, I sighed angrily and sensei laughed at me slightly before saying,
"considering it's you're third try at chidori and you've managed to get sparks already to say I'm impressed would be an understatement"

I smiled slightly at his comment before trying again and again until my arm was fully encased in lightning, Kakashi-sensei told me to hit one of the trees with it so I did and it barely scratched at the bark of the tree... It was so weak.

"you need to add more power, when you master it you should be able to destroy the entire tree. Let's stop chidori for now as you're low on chakra let's improve your speed for a bit, it goes well with chidori"

Kakashi then summoned 3 dogs and I rose an eyebrow in confusion not understanding what he was doing kakashi then smirked and looked at me before looking back at the dogs and saying, "chase her, if you catch her you can bite her"

My eyes then widened and I sent a glare Kakashi's way before I started to run for my life.

3 hours later

"Kakashi-sensei I'm tired please stop them chasing me" I whined as I continued to run, and Kakashi glanced up from his book in my direction and said "chase her to her house same rules apply but when she's home leave her alone, Cana we meet tomorrow at 8" he said before walking away and I started running home, quickly jumping over roof tops in an attempt not to hit any body. I then saw my house, I smiled a little before I tripped over my feet and came crashing down to the floor, before I had chance to get up a dog bit my leg, before they gave me chance to run again I stumbled up to my feet feeling a strong pain in my arm as I landed on it and a pain in my leg from the bleeding bite. I winced in pain before I ran again but this time much slower but I eventually reached my house and struggled to move my right hand making me do it with my left as I walked in I slammed the door shut and slid down the back of it into a sitting position.

Asuma then walked in and raised his eyebrow at my state, my hands were burnt, my clothes were torn and my body had many colorful bite marks and I was holding my right arm in pain.

"Kakashi... training... dogs... roof fall... owie" I muttered

Asuma looked at my arm which I was holding and frowned before he threw me over his shoulder I winced in pain for a second before relaxing then Asuma said "you're going to hospital" I huffed in annoyance as I just wanted to sleep but I guess I should other wise I'll probably be in more pain tomorrow.

When we got to the hospital Asuma signed me in and the doctors started to check me out, after they were done they told Asuma (who later told me) I have sprained my wrist (thank god it's not broken) and the bites are all fine exept the one on my leg which is deeper and infected, they want me to stay over night to see if anything changes over night. Asuma went home but told me that kakashi said training is off for a week as his team has an escort mission.

I picked up a magazine that I was given by a nurse and started to flick threw it, the book was about females fashion and makeup so it seriously bored me so I just drew on the pictures girls. After about twenty minutes a boy entered the room, a boy I knew well...

"Sup Neji, how did you know I was here?" I questioned with a yawn.

"I passed Asuma in the street and he told me everything, I guess destiny isn't being so nice to you" he stated in response as he pulled up a chair next to my bed.

"Then I guess it was you're destiny to visit me" I stated sarcastically disliking how he thinks everything is done by destiny and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh Tenten told me to ask you if you want to go out with her" I said with a yawn at my best friend who looked at me blankly and said "what"

"Tenten. Wants. To. Date. You. Neji. Hyuuga." I stated spelling it out for him.

"It is not in my destiny to date her" he stated casually.

"You could be nicer about it like: hey tell her sorry but I'm not interested imagine if she heard you say that then she would cry" I explained and he looked taken a back for a second before saying "tell her I like someone else" I then looked away and muttered "you're so cold"

curses are easy to undo neji X ocKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat