Part 2

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I finished up at work and headed to go and pick up King from school. I got there and waited for King. I looked up and saw him running up to the car with a huge smile plastered across his face. As soon as he got in the car he started talking a mile a minute

"Nitty, Nitty guess what?"

"What?" I said with a smile. He is just about the cutest thing.

"Mrs.Richardson told me that since I got a 100% on my test I took today that I don't have any home work and I get to be line leader tomorrow!" He said bouncing up and down.

"That's great king I am so proud of you." I gave him a hug then he sat back and got in his seat belt.

"Thanks.....Nitty I was wondering?"

"Wondering what?"

"I was wondering since I did good in school today if we could go to the park."

"Of course we can go to the park but just remember that you should be good in school everyday.OKay."


I smiled then said " We just have to go home and change into play cloths."

He nodded then we went home and changed our clothes. We headed to the park and when we got there King went straight for the slide going down it about ten times before he runs to the swing and says " NItty come pushe me please" I get up and push him on the swing."HIgher Nitty Higher." I continue to push him then he says "Nitty stop me please." I stop him then he takes off running while yelling "You can't catch me. You can't catch me."

I take off running after him saying

" I'm gonna get you." I catch him then say "Tag you're it." He quickly turns around and tags me.

"Ahh man" I say while laughing and continuing to chase after him. We kept doing this and each time we would catch the other person other kids would join in and start playing. We ended up having about twenty kids playing tag with us.

"Tag you're it." One of the little girls said to me. I chased after the kids and tagged one of the kids and turned around running full force the other way while still looking back at the kid I just tagged. Then suddenly I ran into someone causing both of us to fall down to the ground. I sat on the ground rubbing my head.

"We really need to stop meeting like this."

I looked up and said "August?"

"Yea It's me. Here let me help you out." He put out his hand and I reached for it. He helped me up and I said "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at where I was going."

"It's alright I am actually kind of glad that you did."

"Oh really and why is that?"I said crossing my arms with a smile on my face.

"Because how else was I gonna be able to ask you out in person instead of over the phone." I smiled. "Would you like to go out with me this Friday."

I was actually kind of excited to go out with him but I said"I don't know."

"Come on you'll have lots of fun." As I thought about it I looked around for King just to see if he was okay.

"What do you say ma." I couldn't see him so I walked around him and continued to look for King.

"Is everything okay?"

"No look I got to go." After saying that I took of running looking for King. "KING...KING..KING... Come on King NItty doesn't want to play hide and seek." I started to panic. I couldn't find my little brother. I took out my phone and pulled up a picture of King and started asking people if they have seen this kid recently. Multiple people said no. I walked up to this one guy that looked like he had about ten kids

"Excuse me sir I was just wondering if you have seen this little boy recently."

He looked at the picture then responded by saying

" Yes actually I have."

"Thats great do you remember where?"

"Yes he was with this older lady and she was carrying him to this car and he was kicking and screaming and kicking but I thought it was a little weird because he was screaming 'I want Nitty' but I just thought that he was another kid that didn't want to leave the park."

"Oh my god." I put my hand up to my mouth. I can't believe that someone really kidnapped my little piglet."What kind of car did they get in."

"They got in an all black SUV and since I thought it was a little weird I took down the license plate. Here you go."

He handed me a little piece of paper that had a license plate number on it. "Thank you so much." I ran as fast as I could to my car to go look for King. I didn't want to go to the police because technically I wasn't old enough to be Kings legal guardian since I was only 17. If I did go to the police they would investigate and eventually find out that me and king are living alone and they would take him away from me and put him in the system. I go to my car and I got right in and sped off I started looking for an all black SUV with the license plate 2WEE78. I kept driving up and down the streets of New Orleans. These streets aren't the best. So I was driving slow with my windows down but not low enough so people could stick their hands in. An hour has passed and no luck. I continued to drive but even more cautiously because it was starting to get dark.

"THERE IT IS." I yelled to myself. There it was the all black SUV with the license plate 2WEE78. I parked my car a little ways down the street and walked up to the house where the car was parked. I walked very carefully walked up onto the porch. I looked in the window threw a slit in the curtain and saw King tied up to the chair with a blindfold on.

"Hold on King I'm coming." I said. I turned around and was hit in the head with something really hard.

I fell to the ground as I lost consciousness.


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