Ends of the Earth (Pilot!Bucky x reader)

7K 157 104

Characters: Bucky, reader, Natasha, Steve, Wanda, Pietro, Tony (some only mentioned)

Summary: Spending your days in the friendly skies was a dream come true for you. Traveling and seeing the world was all that you could ever wanted. Except...could the missing piece in your life be right in front of your eyes? A helpful nudge from a friend just might lead you to the man of your dreams. (Avenger AU)

Warnings: Bit of angst. Mostly fluff. Mentions of death and the slightest insinuations to sexy times. ;)

Word Count : 4.2k

Song Inspiration: Ends of the Earth by Lord Huron

A/N: Hello, lovelies!! This one-shot is for ​ bionic-buckyb's 8k Angst Challenge on tumblr. I've had this story in mind ever since my trip to Europe in April! Five flights in two weeks gave me ideas. ;) I really hope you enjoy this fic and PLEASE leave feedback or comments. I love to hear from you! I know I haven't posted in a while, but I'm working on a lot of new stuff. I adore you guys! 


How many months? How many days? How many hours spent in close quarters together in a large metal tube that was hurling across the globe, and yet you still hadn't noticed the signs? Luckily, you had your best friend and co-worker who was willing to knock some sense into you. Although, it could have been a little more gentle.

"You're both idiots," Natasha said at a whisper as you both continued to greet passengers as they boarded. You didn't know how she could lovingly insult you and simultaneously smile sweetly with a congenial "hello" to every passenger.

"What?" you whispered back in confusion. "All I said was I'm glad to see our pair of happy captains. I've missed all of you, what's wrong with that?"

You heard her quietly huff out a sigh with an eye roll sent directly towards you. "I'll tell you in the galley later. Excuse me while I explain for the millionth time that the suitcase has to go in the overhead compartment wheels FIRST," she seethed while maintaining her perma-smile. You loved Natasha, but she was a little scary sometimes.

Shaking off her comment, you greeted the last passenger and checked in with personnel at the airport gate for any stragglers. According to them, the plane was now full, so you secured the door and went about your usual duties. Once all suitcases were stowed away and passengers were buckled in their seats, you pulled out all of the props for the safety demonstration. It could get tedious to perform the same little show for each flight multiple times a day, but after your month-long break, you now realized you had missed it.

Working for Stark Airlines had been your dream ever since the billionaire playboy philanthropist, Tony Stark, decided to join the friendly skies and create his own airline. Stark was the best of the best, with the fastest state-of-the-art planes, personal viewing stations for each passenger, in-flight meals that were actually edible, and exemplary staff, of which you were grateful to be a member.

You had been a flight attendant for Stark Air about 6 months when you suddenly had a family emergency that needed your immediate attention. Mr. Stark was more than generous in giving you a leave of absence for as long as you needed. That last month with your grandmother was the most precious time you could have ever spent and you would be forever grateful to have those memories.

Today was your first day back on the job. As you dressed this morning in your pencil skirt, blazer, and white button-up before tying your red and gold scarf, you felt that rush of adrenaline at the thought of flying over an entire ocean in a day. It never ceased to amaze you. Pinning your wings to the lapel of your white shirt, you felt a small wave of bittersweet memories wash over you.

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