Air B&E

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Characters: reader, Bucky, Natasha, Clint, unnamed Male Target, OFC Jeff.

Summary: When a mission requires close proximity with your least favorite teammate, you try to make the best of it, but a change in plans adds new challenges and possibly a new opportunity. ( basically Bed Sharing Trope meets Enemies to Lovers Trope. Kinda. :D )

Warnings: sexual situations? pretty vague.

Word Count: 2.8k


"Alright! So here are the keys, the WiFi password is posted on the fridge and let me know if there's anything you need, anything at all. Okay?" said the overly enthusiastic young man before you.

You accepted the keys with a smile, "Absolutely! Thank you so much, Jeff. It's even better than the pictures."

"I'm so glad," he grinned. "Well, I'll leave you to it. It was so nice to meet you both."

Your eyes flickered to the man beside you, tight smile upon his face. "You, too, man," he coolly responded.

Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you clasped the hand of the heavy left arm draped over your shoulders. Technology allowed the metal plates to be shielded with a holographic flesh arm, but it still weighed a ton.

"Bye, Jeff."

He nodded before stepping out into the hall. The moment the front door lock engaged, you shoved the arm off and put as much space between you two as possible.

"This plan is stupid," Bucky said with contempt as he collapsed heavily onto the couch.

"My plan is brilliant. You're just too much of an idiot to appreciate it," you smirked, unzipping your luggage to pull out a piece of equipment, then sweeping all the rooms for listening or video devices. Thankfully, it came up clean.

"What the hell is an 'Air BnB' anyway? Why can't we stay in the hotel across the street?" your unfortunate partner on this mission whined loudly from the living room while you unpacked in the bedroom.

"B and B? As in bed and breakfast? Get with the times, old man. All the young people prefer Air BnB's over stuffy hotel rooms. Instead, this is individuals renting out rooms in a house or whole apartments for much cheaper and it's a lot more personal," you finished saying as you stepped out into the living room toward the window. "But most of all....this place gives us the best possible view of our target. See?"

Bucky stood and walked up beside you, then observing the window you pointed out across the street and down a floor from where you were staying. It was perfect.

"Yeah, well, I still think it's shady that some 22-year-old can rent out an apartment that his daddy pays for so he can then use the money to party in Cabo for two weeks or whatever," he mumbled, begrudgingly starting to unpack equipment.

You clicked your tongue in disapproval. "Such a cynic, Barnes. For all we know, Jeff is a poor college student who crashes with a friend on weekends while he offers this place out so he can barely make his rent. I choose to think the best in people."

He scoffed at your optimism. "And I'm the idiot?"

"Whatever," you brushed him off. "Let's just get to work."


You spent the next few hours setting up surveillance equipment and getting settled. This could be a long one. After securing a listening device to the lower left corner of your target's window (expertly shot like a dart by you), Bucky and yourself took turns acting as eyes and ears. It was much more efficient to do only one or the other.

Bucky x Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now