Faithfully (Rockstar Bucky AU)

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Characters: reader, Bucky, OC Ava Barnes, Steve, Clint, Tony, Wanda.

Summary: Being on the road with your rockstar husband had it's challenges. What if you found out he was unfaithful? (Avengers AU)

Warnings: babies, pregnancy, possible cheating, tiny bit of language, sex mentions, drinking, nudity, bit of angst, mostly fluff.

Word Count: 3k (including lyrics)

Song Inspiration: Faithfully by Journey


Brushing your fingertip over perfect round cheeks while marveling at gorgeous long lashes and her tiny pout, you fell in love all over again. This little person had your heart. Well. A good portion of it. Speaking of your heart...

You heard rustling in the next "room" followed by the partition sliding aside. Bucky stumbled out of the bedroom, rubbing a hand over his face. His chin-length hair stuck out in ten different directions and he was clad in only a pair of boxers.

"Morning, handsome," you greeted him with an amused smile.

He let out a groan, "What time is it?"

"Almost noon."

"And...where are we?"

You chuckled, "Somewhere in the midwest, I think. St. Louis, maybe?"

Slumping in a chair across from you, he exhaled loudly. "I'm sorry. I know I was gonna take her this morning but we had some press to do after the show and then drinks with some writer for a magazine. I guess I passed out pretty hard."

You shrugged, "It's okay. She's been a perfect angel and even let me shower this morning."

He grinned at the bundle of joy in your arms, leaning forward to brush a knuckle over her delicate skin. "That's my girl, huh, princess? Are you daddy's little girl?"

Your daughter cooed, grasping her father's finger in a tiny fist. There was no denying it. She had you both wrapped around her perfect finger.

Bucky pressed a kiss to your lips and muttered a 'good morning' to you before gathering the little one in his muscular arms. She always looked extra tiny next to him. You stretched and took in the sight of your husband babbling in baby talk to your little Ava. Everyone else thought he was a hardcore tough guy, but you knew he was really just a big ol' softie. All the rest was for show.

"So how many did you see last night?" you quirked an eyebrow in question.

"Hm?" he replied, feigning ignorance.

You gave in The Look. He knew what you meant.

"I, uh...the lights were bright and from the stage, I couldn't...there weren't any..." he huffed out a sigh in surrender. "Three."

You scoffed, "You saw three breasts last night?"

"Three...pairs," he clarified bashfully. "But trust me, they've got nothing on you, babe."

You shook your head in disbelief, but had to smile. You knew what to expect at this point, having been married to your rock star husband for two years and dated for six before that. You and Bucky went to high school together and started dating when his band was still in their garage phase. Girls often tried to gain his attention during shows by flashing him. A ridiculous notion which he always brushed off, but it still bothered you a little.

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