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Boyoung slept in Jin's room that night, she knew she would have nightmares of that house and Junghyun and didn't want to be alone during them.
"Boyoung?" Jin whispered.

"Yeah." She answered.

"This may be weird or the wrong time to ask but do you still have feelings for Jungkook?" He asked.

Boyoung paused as her heart began to race.

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course." Jin said.

"I haven't thought about him at all for the past six months until today and in that time that I forgot about him or at least suppressed the thought of him, I really did start to like you again, a lot, maybe even love you, but today I remembered how much I loved him and how hard it was for me to force myself to forget about him." She said.

Seokjin pauses for sometime and a wave of silence fell over the dark room.

"...Oh." He said.

Boyoung looked up at him.

"Seokjin I'm serious, what we had was real, I don't want you to think you were a distraction or a second choice, it was real ok?" Boyoung said.

"But that still doesn't change how you feel about Jungkook right?" He asked.

"I guess not but also yes in a way." She said.

"If you want to go back to him I understand." He said.

"Does that mean you're breaking up with me?" Boyoung asked.

"Well you make it sound so horrible." He responded chuckling lightly.
Boyoung smiled.

"Hey, I know what we had was real, and amazing, and fantastic, but we're both hurting together for someone else." He said holding the back of her neck softly so she would have to look him in the eyes.

Boyoung paused in confusion.
"...Mina?" She asked.

"I think Junghyun did something to her, which made me feel like I need to save her, which made me think I still might have feelings for her." Jim said.

Boyoung sighed.
"Can we still lay here together for a while?" She asked.

"As long as you want." He said holding her closer and relaxing finally all of his muscles before falling into a deep sleep.
Boyoung stayed awake for a little while longer but eventually fell asleep in the comfort of Jin's chest.

Royals II The Fallen Throne ♔♡Prince!Jungkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now