Ch. 10 - Right or Wrong ||

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A/N: By popular vote and also my own vote, I'll be choosing the nightclub scene for Lee and Connor's first kiss/first lime together. It won't be in this chapter but it will be coming up and that's all I'm giving away lol. Enjoy the chapter!


"Do what you think is right.

Don't let people make the decision of right or wrong for you."


Soon the two of them were in the automatic self-driving car that Connor came in, heading towards the crime scene. It gave Lee some time to go over the new case in the car without having to worry about focusing on the road. Lee read over the case and frowned a little as she read it. She then turned it off and then looked at Connor who sat beside her. "I don't understand why the android would suddenly attack it's owner then take the dog of all things with it."

"Perhaps to hold it hostage as leverage?" Connor suggested as he looked forward.

"I don't know, it just seems weird," Lee said. "If I was android and I had deviated, I'd kill my owner and then take whatever I can use as money and dip."

"Dip?" Connor asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion. It was something, that Lee noticed he always did when he was confused by something. It was such a human quirk that Lee found adorable on him. Lee giggled and shook her head on him. "It means to basically leave and get the fuck outta of wherever you are quick. It's AAVE."

Another head tilt and a blink of confusion. "What is that?"

Lee sighed and then smiled at him. "AAVE stands for African-American Vernicular English or Black linguistics. Its basically slang talk that many black people here in America use. Its a dialectic that uses a mix of standard English and our own way of speaking. Although, not every black person speaks AAVE the same way. Like someone in a rural farm town in Texas may speak it differently than someone in Baltimore or here in Detroit," Lee explained. "It's something that is a significant part of being black and it heavily used in African American art forms and oral language."

Connor nodded his head, his LED flickering yellow as he seemed to process this new bit of information of what she said. "Interesting, could I use...AAVE?" Connor asked.

"I mean you wouldn't be the first white or non-black person to use it, although anyone who isn't black using it sounds just awkward and cringey," Lee said, her voice laced with humor. "I think it'd sound weird coming out of your mouth in all honesty."

Connor hummed to himself in thought and then looked forward as the two of them came upon the crime scene where only one squad car was located. The neighborhood didn't seem too bad, but it was nothing like the affluent suburbs they were at a few days ago. As the car came to a stop behind the adquad car, Connor looked at Lee. "I guess we should dip out of the car," he said slowly, his brows furrowing together. He then looked at Lee with his large eyes. "Did I do it right?"

**LEE: ^^^ - WARM**

Lee snickered and covered her hand with her mouth to conceal her smile, but to no avail. Seeing him try to relate to her was hilarious and endearing all at once. "Ahh...not really, but maybe next time Connor."


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