Chapter 5

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As you stood in each other's arms you thought about all the hate you would get.

"Louis?" you asked, your voice shaking a little.

"What's wrong?" he asked looking down to your face.

"I'm going to get so much hate. And I can't deal with that. Looking at my past, I won't be able to."

"I am here. You have me, I will help you through it. I promise Emily."

You nodded. It was getting pretty late, so Louis offered to walk you home. You agreed. And as you were walking, you interlocked your fingers with his and he just smiled looking down at you.

"Emily?" he asked as you walked to your front porch

"Yeah Louis?"

He took your face between his hands and kissed you again. You kissed back right away. You felt little sparks as you kissed. You didn't feel them the first time probably because you were shocked and nervous.

"Goodnight." He smiled as he started walking home.

You smiled and unlocked your front door and headed into your room. A few minutes later your mom walked in.

"Hey darling." she greeted you.

"Hey mom, what's up?" you asked her.

She sat down on your bed and took your hands into hers.

"Emily, I know I said I would support you and Louis but I don't want you hurt. Do you understand?"

"Where did that come from?"

"I saw you two on a porch earlier. So don't deny there is something going on. Tell me the truth." she almost demanded you.

"Look mom, I'm 16 and I can date who ever I want to. I know you're worried that I'm going to get hurt but isn't getting hurt a part of life? You can't stop yourself from getting hurt. That's not how it works. But Louis isn't going to hurt me mom."

"Honey, he may not do it on purpose but he will hurt you and I don't want that to happen. So I'm telling you not to see that boy again."

You were shocked at your mother.

"MOM YOU CANT DO THAT! YOU SAID YOU WOULD SUPPORT ME! " you yelled at her. You were beyond angry and you had a right to be. She couldn't say she supported you one minute, then the next say you can't see Louis anymore.

"Emily. You will not see him again. I forbid you." she said.

"I forbid you from getting involved with my love life mother." you spat angrily.

She looked surprised at your words.

"Give me your phone."

"No, don't touch me!"

"Emily, you will give me your phone or you will be grounded."

"Ground me. You're not taking my phone mother. Now get out! You've successfully ruined my night. I don't want to talk to you right now." you said.

She started to tear up but you didn't feel sorry. She walked out of your room and slammed your door. You immediately called Louis crying.


"Hey Louis.." you said sniffling.

"Emily? Are you crying? Baby what's wrong??" He asked worriedly.

"My mom... said I... can't see you.... anymore. She doesn't support.... us anymore." you said between sobs.

He stayed quiet for a minute.

"Louis? Please talk to me."

"Emily I need you in my life. I can't just let you go."

"Louis I need you too. So we just have to be on the down low even more now. My mom has to think we aren't talking anymore. I will tell her that we still are when everything calms down. Okay?"

"Okay. I just can't lose you."

You two continued talking until you were too tired to respond. You said your goodbyes and hung up. You instantly fell asleep.

When you woke up, you saw that you had multiple texts and twitter notifications so you grabbed and unlocked your phone to check. You checked your texts and they were all from Louis and Jessica. They said good morning and Jessica wanted to hang out that day. You told her to meet you at your house. She said okay and you went to check twitter. You almost dropped your phone. Louis had tweeted and tagged you. Here's what the tweets said:

"So the other day, me and my girlfriend @emilyyyy017 decided to spend time together but one of my "fans" interrupted us and said some really rude things to Emily. I don't appreciate that. So if you have anything rude to say to her, keep your mouth shut. Don't hurt her because if it was you, you wouldn't want to be hurt. Thank you 😘"

You instantly texted Louis.

"Louis! Isn't your management going to be mad that you tweeted I'm your girlfriend??? And I thought we were keeping it on the down low?"

"I'm sorry Emily, but if your mom doesn't approve than it sucks. But she can't stop us from being happy. And my "fans" hurting you, won't make either of us happy. And management said I could."

"Louis, my mom will freak and kick me out if she finds out. My mom and I don't have the bet relationship anymore."

"If she kicks you out, you'll stay with me until she can support us being together."

You smiled at his text.

"Thank you Louis.😘"

"Anything for you💜."

"I'm going to go get ready, I'm spending the day with Jessica. I'll text you later."

"Alright, have fun babe."

And with that, you and Jessica had a day out while you told her everything that had been going on.

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