Chapter 2: Hanji Interuptions

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"I guess I start with when we left for the expedition."

I began tell my story about the day humanity fought back.

"Erwin Smith the commander of the Survey Corps lead us out into an unforgiving battle we would not forget."

I looked at all the kids to see how they would react to my words realizing Jimmy was the only one who completely understood me.

"Well this was unlike our other expedition's. We were going the farthest humanity has gone inside the walls, to Shiganshina."

I pondered In my head how far I should go with this, I mean they are kids.

"We were on our way to, "The Basement""

I smiled upon hearing Jimmy squealing in excitement in the back.

"But it would not be a safe trip. No there were many deaths that took place there. Most were people from the MP and the Garrison, who were forced to come along."

"We had just started into Shiganshina and I'm pretty sure the whole Garrison had been wiped out. Then as I was riding beside Corporal Levi, a titan came rushing out of no where."

Hanji bust into the room arms flailing around.


Sigh, not even that loud for her.

I looked up at her, "Hanji were in the middle of story time. You can mess around with all of them if you want--just wait till it's over" But to no avail, Hanji is a stubborn person.

She ran up to the kids and continued to hand out sweets of any variation to them.

"Oh boy, your gonna have a lot to deal with later Mikasa"

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