Friendly encounters

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The cherry-red, hardwood floors are cold on my feet as I make my way down the hallway to the kitchen.

I've been dreading this day since June.

"Your breakfast is on the table." My dad says. I can tell that he's still tired, and needs more sleep. I finish eating my toast, and head to the bathroom after thanking my dad. I turn the light on, and it's blindingly bright, since it's still too early, and my eyes haven't yet adjusted. I slip into the shower and wash my self, letting the water trickle down my body. The water feels cool over my hot skin, making me more alert. When I'm finished, I turn the water off, and get dressed into a dark pair of skinny jeans and a light purple tank, throwing on a black cardigan. When I'm satisfied with my outfit, I start quickly straightening my hair and applying light makeup. I make my way back to the living room to say goodbye to my dad before he leaves for work.

"Have a good day, honey. Grade 11 awaits you." He said with a smile, before giving me a hug, and walking out the door.

I can't believe I'm already in year 11, time really flies in highschool. Next year I'll be a senior, and graduating, and then university! Wow...

I've always really hated school, and the first day is always the worst. I hate it mainly because of being bullied, and made fun of. I guess I've learned to hide my emotions and not let is get to me... For the most part.

I trow my bag over my shoulder, and jog outside to meet the bus. The ride is long and quiet, so I decide to listen to some music while I wait for my stop.

After and hour, the bus finally reached St.Louis highschool. I hop off of the bus, and quickly walk into the office to retrieve my schedule and locker number. The office is cluttered with students when I enter, so I have to wait my turn.

I look around the room while I'm waiting, noticing multiple new students. Most of them looking nervous, and others looking like they couldn't care less about being here. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the secretary calls my name.

When I finally get my schedule and locker number, I rush to locker 324 to put away my belongings. My home room number is 307, so I wander down the hall until I reach the room where I will most likely sleep every morning.

As I enter the class I immediately notice two of my best friends; Leah, and Ally. They wave me over and we instantly start talking about our classes.

"I have Advanced Math, science, French, and music. In that order." I look at both of their faces and see their eyes are bright and happy. "Us too!" They shout, causing me to jump slightly, but still smile, happy to have them in my classes.

We find out seats in the dull class room, and since Leah and Ally are already sitting together, I choose the seat behind them.

As I sit in the class, waiting for the teacher to arrive, I let my thoughts take over my mind.

I can't believe I'm going to graduate next year, I think I've already mentioned that, but I'm just so excited! What I really can't get over is that I'm 17 years old, and I've never had a boyfriend. I've almost made it through highschool without having a cheesy romance. Come to think of it, I'm a bit of a loser. I mean, I'm still a lip virgin! Yes, I said lip virgin, in other words, I've never been kissed. That's pretty sad. Not to mention my only relationship I've ever had was with my fridge. It had Nutella, so naturally it was meant to be.

I scoff at myself, thinking of how pathetic I am.

The desk beside me moves, indicating someone sat beside me. The quick movement making me jump out if my thoughts. As I turn, I see a tall, green eyed boy sitting next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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