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3rd most frequent among education majors in college.In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Writing," "Appreciating art," "Playing musical instrument," "Listening to music," "Reading"Underrepresented in "Watching TV for leisure" and "Watching TV 3 or more hours per day."Academic subjects preferred: art, English, music.In national sample, lowest of all types in liking work environments where "Everything is done by the book"1 of 3 highest types in liking "Independence & achievement," "Teamwork," and "People from different backgrounds."Most important feature on an ideal job: creativity and originality.In national sample, dissatisfied with "Promotions" and "Salary"; satisfied with "People I work with" in their jobs.With ESTJs, had highest total coping resources of all the types.Ranked 1st of all 16 types in using social and emotional coping resources and 2nd in using cognitive resources.In national sample, ranked lowest in coping with stress by "Developing physical symptoms."

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