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Among the highest in college retention.In national sample "Leisure Activities," overrepresented in "Watching TV 3 or more hours per day"Underrepresented in "Reading" and "Working out/exercising."Academic subject preferred: history.Highest of all types in national sample in liking work environment characteristics "Making the job as simple as possible" and "No expectation for working extra hours."Most important feature on an ideal job: "A stable and secure future."In national sample, dissatisfied with "Promotions," "Job security," "Stress," "Salary," and "Accomplishment"Satisfied with "People I work with" in their jobs.In national sample, among types with the lowest income and likely to leave job.Ranked 15th out of 16 types on using physical coping resources and 16th out of 16 types on using spiritual/philosophical coping resources.In national sample, ranked 2nd highest in satisfaction with "Marriage/intimate relationship."

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