"That's not entirely true."

"We both know it is, sugar plum." He teased with a laugh. "Except for your family members, I'm the only guy who gets a pass."

And he was right. Zane had been my best friend since elementary school. We used to have sleepovers when we were little, but as we grew older, we started going out to parties together. That is, if my parents granted permission—more specifically, if my dad and brother gave their approval. My mom's permission didn't exactly count.

Zane came from the wealthy Shaw family, who owned numerous warehouses in Russia, Australia, and Brazil. They were part of the billionaire boys club, and that's how my parents knew them. That's also why they approved of Zane and our friendship—he came from a respectable family.

My parents were incredibly protective, especially my dad and brother. They treated me like an eight-year-old instead of an eighteen-year-old. When I was researching colleges, they wanted me to stay close to home, but this time I didn't let them have their way. I wanted to attend Harvard, and I would attend Harvard. Thankfully, they eventually supported my decision.

"Amari doesn't have a date for homecoming," Angelica chimed in, poking me from the side. "She can come with us, right, guys?"

"Yes, of course," they all responded in unison.

"You should come," Zane said matter-of-factly. "It's our last year, well, your last year too."

"Yeah," Angelica pouted. "I won't see any of you anymore. I'll be stuck in this hellhole for two more years."

"Baby, that's not true," Alex reassured her, gently stroking Angelica's cheek. They were sickeningly cute together. "I'll be staying in-state. We can meet up whenever you want."

Angelica was a sophomore in high school. Last year, she and her parents moved from Italy to the United States. However, I had known her for longer. Our moms were childhood friends and they wanted us to be best friends too. I guess they succeeded, as Angelica and I became inseparable.

"You can come with me and Savannah. She won't mind," Zane offered, scanning the table. "Alex will pick up Angelica, so you won't see her until the dance."

"No, thank you. I think I'll stay home and have some fun."

"Don't be so boring. There's an after-party," Zane said, pulling out a flyer from his bag. "See, after-party at Joshua's."

I glanced at the flyer. Joshua was the captain of the lacrosse team, a pretty cool guy. The only thing about him was that he was high twenty four seven.

"Nope," I replied, shaking my head. "I'm not going. Remember what happened last time? I don't want history to repeat itself."

Ivan burst into laughter. "That was so wild and hilarious. Didn't know you had it in you, Amari."

I threw the flyer at Ivan, hitting him in his handsome face. "Shut up, Preston." I didn't want to be reminded of the night I ended up stripping on a pool table at a party. Thank goodness Zane found me in time and brought me home. If that news ever reached my family, I'd be grounded for life and likely forced to become a nun.

Zane snickered. "It won't happen again, I promise."

"It wasn't your fault. I drank too much."

Chase Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें