Seeing that the enchantress was alone, the vampires and ghouls had sinister grins on their faces. Not only her backup had left, they could smell the sweet, metallic nectar of this young and beautiful virgin. Oh, they were already drooling at the thought of drinking her blood! Malicious thoughts began to flood their mind, as all they could ever think of was to devour this virgin blood. Hence, they charged ahead without a strategy, causing the enchantress to furrow her brows before extending an open hand towards them.

"Let light shower on them, forgive these lost souls as you ease them from their suffering." she muttered before a piercing ray of light glowed from her hand, forcing the Undead to stop in their tracks and shield their eyes from the light before they disintegrated into nothing but ashes. Once the light died down, all that was left on the battlefield were corpses, blood and ashes that were soon blown into the wind. She made sure that the coast was clear before turning to where her brother left earlier and began walking down that path.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of liquid moving behind her. Alarmed, she quickly turned around to see all of the corpses melted into a lake of blood before it morphed into a tremendously large being. Frida could feel fear radiating from her as she watched the beast grew bigger and bigger, to the extent where it towered her like Big Ben. She had yet to see the being, but the murderous aura surrounding it was already making her uneasy.

'What is going on?' she questioned as a cold sweat dripped down her temple. 'They should be dead, but why are they regenerating into something I have yet to hear or see?'

"Why hello, Fräulein!" called a familiar voice from the side, which quickly grabbed the confused woman's attention.

"Y-You're Warrant Officer Schrödinger!" she said upon recognising the boy waving at her.

As if he was given a candy, the boy's eyes lit up with joy. "Wow, it's amazing that you can remember my name!" he said. "I was initially planning to watch you die here, but because you're kind enough to remember my name, I decided not to and just tell you what is going on, since you've never seen anything like this before." He turned to the dark mass and held his hand at it to introduce it to her.

"Behold! Doc's newest creation! Our Major had to pick something challenging for you because you're an enchantress. He believes you can handle something that has never come up in history, and that you can contribute to his research. I have to say I was hesitant at first, but after watching you kill those useless vermin, I believe you can. Anyway, I better return for further orders. Auf Wiedeshen, and don't die!" The moment Frida blinked her eyes, the boy disappeared.

Once the transformation was done, the shocked enchantress found herself standing in front of, what seemed to be, a giant human-like creature with sharp fangs and claws, and black eyes. 'T-This is one of Millennium's creations?' she wondered with fear. 'It looks as frail as a ghoul, but... why do I feel so cold? I feel like I'm staring into an abyss.'

The creature looked around and sniffed the air while Frida watched with caution. But the next thing she knew, the creature had charged at her and slashed the left side of her abdomen, created a huge gash that caused blood to ooze out. The shock was so immense that it took a while for her to realise the pain and coughed out blood.

Meanwhile, standing upon the wrecked ship that was once occupied by the Nazis, Alucard closed his eyes in bliss as a familiar scent wafted to his nose. It was a delightful smell tinged with the blood of many that perished in the war happening in London. "I smell nostalgia." he said after inhaling the scent. He then breathed in to take in the scent and let out a contented sigh. "The smell of a man being impaled, the smell of a woman being disemboweled, the smell of infants being burned to death, the smell of the elderly being riddled with bullets. The fragrance of war is death!"

Dracula's Enchantress - Alucard x OC (Hellsing: Ultimate)Where stories live. Discover now