One last time

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(A/N: Title inspired by the Ariana Grande song)

Upon arriving at Kong, Blue Boy and I were laying on the floor of the living room, completely out of breath and legs aching. It took us both a good 15 minutes to calm down enough to start talking.
I turn over to punch him in the chest. "We could've gotten caught, ya know."
He flinched a bit but then gave me a devilish smile. "Bu' we didn't, did we?"

In some way, Blue Boy was just as much as a chancer as Murdoc was. I was right to think Blue Boy wasn't as meek as he seemed to be. I wouldn't say he was a badboy (far from it actually) but he was quite the risk taker.

I shake my head chuckling, "I'm going to get us some water."
Just as I stood up, a grumpy looking Murdoc came down the stairs darting for his coat on the coathanger near the door.
"And now?"
"Need to go to the police. Some teenagers or something broke into a school and drew me on one of the black boards. The police think it's some satanic ritual or something and they need me to answer questions." And with that, he walked out, slamming the door behind him shut. I turned to Blue Boy with wide eyes. His straight face quickly turned into one flooding with tears.

"I swear to God Blue Boy, if you start laughing..."
"B... b... bu' i's funny!" he stuttered and bursted out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too. It was kinda funny. Not just seeing Murdoc irritated, but seeing Blue Boy be so childish.

"You know, you're such a kid sometimes." I chuckle, walking to the kitchen to get a drink. By entering the kitchen, I see Russel look at me from over the newspaper he was reading.
"What's this about kids? Did Murdoc fuck up again?"
"Nah, I'm just talking about Blue Boy." I said, getting 2 glasses out of a high cupboard.
Russel peeked towards the living room where 2D was on the couch flipping through channels.

"Ya know..." Russel said in a quiet tone. "D ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer... not the happiest one either... but since you got here, he's been his old self."
"Old self?"
"Has he told you about how Mudz..."
"The abuse he had to go through, yeah... Mudz told me." I sighed sullenly.

Russel gave me a quizzical look before speaking. "Murdoc told you?"
I shrug, turning the tap on to fill the glasses. "He feels guilty about it... I guess he's not as bad as everyone thinks."
Russel still had the same expression on his face, but shook his head, "The point is... D has been more alive since you. I think he relates to you."
"He was in an abusive relationship?"
"He had Murdoc, didn't he?"

Russ had a point... Blue Boy and I were quite similar. In some way, we were fighting the same battle. It made me feel uneasy... adding 2 flames together just starts up a fire. I take a glance to Blue Boy on the couch who was blowing a piece of his fringe out of his eyes, trying and retrying.

"Russ..." I said, still staring at Blue Boy.
"Blue Boy wanted to kill himself that day, didn't he?"
Russel went silent. Looking at me blankly. "You mean the day he found you?"
I nod, biting my lip in anticipation to his answer.
"I really don't know... but I can tell you this..." he said, standing up and making his way out the kitchen, turning to me before exiting. "He usually gets his pills during the day."

Pharmacy- A 2D x Reader (Gorillaz) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now