Chapter 2

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The next week, Chris started her new school - Midtown High.

She was dropped off by Happy (who still had no idea who she is) and met Peter at the front gate.

"Chris!" He called as she walked over to him.

"Peter!" She called back, nervous joy on her face.

"How are you?" He asked, flinging his arms around her.

"Nervous as hell!" She exclaimed, hugging him back. "Tony said I need to go somewhere or other to get my timetable. Can you help?" She questioned, biting her lip.

"Yeah, come on, that should be reception." He replied, leading her through the grounds and into the main entrance. He signalled her to the desk and she nodded in thanks.

"Um, excuse me?" She said, gaining the attention of the woman seated there. "Is this where I come to get my time table? It's just, like, I start here today."

"Yes dear, what's your name?" The woman asked, a bright smile on her face. She looked to be about late forties, early fifties.

"Oh, Christine Williams."

"Okay... W... W... W... aha! Here it is! Christine Williams' time table. Would you like a map with that as well?"

"Oh, yes, please! Thank you, miss...?"

"Oh, none of that 'miss' nonsense! Just call me Sarah." She claimed,  handing over a map if the school. "If you need anything else, I'm more than happy to help."

"Thank you very much, miss Sarah. You've been an amazing help."

"Oh, such manners! You are very welcome, Miss Williams."

"Please, just call me Chris."

"Well, of course, Chris."

"Thank you!" She smiled, turning to Peter.

"Have a lovely day, dear!" Sarah called back.

"Wow." Peter murmured. "I don't think I've ever seen anyone be as polite as you just were."

"Suck up to anyone possible on the first day. First impressions are what they base all actions in the future on. If you're super polite and everything in front of teachers then go get into a fight, they'll think you were attacked. After all, someone so polite would never initiate a fight now, would they?" She muttered back, mouth lifting into a slight smirk.

Peter stared at her open-mouthed. "Damn, you're good."

"Not necessarily. You've just never seen me on my period. Seriously, do not even start a conversation with me while I'm on, you will not like the repercussions."

"Oh, come on! You can't be that bad!" Peter exclaimed disbelievingly.

"There is a reason I was avoided by everyone back home once a month.  I was a menace."

"Everyone?... do me a favour and tell me when you're coming on? I'd rather not have my current views tarnished for a while."

"Next week."

"Oh, okay."

"Well, probably next week. It will start as early as Wednesday. I'll text you if it's this side of the weekend."

"Okay. Thanks."

"Hey, I don't want to lose this friendship. I actually like you. You're sweet."

"Umm... thanks? I think I should take that as a compliment."

"You should."

"I will then. Oh look, that's Ned and MJ, my friends I was telling you about. Hey guys!" He ended shouting at the two.

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