"We should have bleached it," Harry grumbles, jutting out his bottom lip.

He's totally right. Both of our hair colors are so dark that the spray on hair dye we had used is barely visible. Instead of pink and green hair, we are currently rocking brown hair with a tiny tint of each color.

"Whatever, we still have the costume yeah?" I reply, running a hand through my beard. When I pull it out, my fingers are stained with green hair dye. Maybe that wasn't the best Idea.

"Okay," Harry agrees. "Let's take a photo then."

"Right. Liam!" I call.

Liam rushes into the living room, clad in a Superman costume. How original....

"What's wrong?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms over his muscle suit.

"Harry wants you to take a photo," I say, giggling. I know how much he hates to be the center of attention or ask for favors, and it's hilarious to see his reaction.

"What? No. Louis did, sorry Liam," Harry stammers. "Didn't mean to be a bother."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'll take a photo," Liam says with a laugh.

Harry smiles and rushes over to me, wrapping an arm tightly around my waist. We stand in front of the kitchen wall and Liam snaps a few photos, then sends them over to Harry and I.

"Thank you!" Harry shouts, looking at the photo.

"Aww, you're so cute," I say, making the mistake of running my hand through Harry's pink stained curls.

"Don't touch The hair!" Harry says, swatting my hand away. "Fuck, we almost forgot the props!"

Harry heads back into the bedroom and returns with two hand painted crowns and wands that he made for us.

"My little artist," I say. Harry blushes and kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you," he says.

"Love you too," i reply, coiling an arm around his waist.

"Speaking of granting wishes..... Louis, what do you wish for?" He asks, wrinkling his nose.

I shrug my shoulders. I'd never really thought about it before. Well, that's a lie. I have. Usually I wish for practical things like money or some type of amazing ability. But since I met Harry, practicality has been much lower on my list of priorities.

Sometimes when I lay in bed at night, I think about my future with Harry. How things might end up- us getting a house together, adopting a kid. It makes me so happy my heart feels like it might swell. But it also makes me extremely scared, and i push the thought away before I get too excited.

I would love to end up with Harry. That's honestly my dream. But we're both so young. I'm only 23, and I haven't even finished school yet. I have no way of knowing that Harry and I are going to work - that we will last long enough for us to move in together. And Harry's even younger than me - 21. And he's so sensitive, vulnerable. I don't want to get his hopes up only to hurt him....

"What is it then?" Harry repeats.

"I wish... " I begin. Should I tell him?

"I wish that we both end up really happy," I say carefully.

"Oh," Harry says, his eyes dropping to the floor. "Not together?"

"If that's what's supposed to happen, then yeah," I say, gripping his bicep gently. "Just want you to be happy."

"I'm happy with you," Harry says, nestling his head on my shoulder. "Are you trying to get rid of me?"

I turn and cup Harry's jaw in my hands. "No way, love. I'm not trying to at all. I want you. Only you. You know that."

Harry nods. "But I want to end up with you, Louis. I love you. So much. So so much. You're my best friend."

I feel my eyes start to water, and wipe the tears away with my index finger. This wasn't how tonight was supposed to turn out.

"I do too. You're my best friend," I caress his head, Petting his hair.

Liam and his girlfriend walk past us to leave, shouting goodbye over their shoulders. But we don't respond.

"But you don't want me," Harry whispers.

"I do, I do," I assure him.

"But not for the long term," Harry sniffles. He's crying now too, and I feel so awful for causing him this much pain. "I'm not asking for forever. Just... for a long time? Maybe... do you want that?"

My throat feels heavy with emotion and I start to choke out my words. "I don't know."

Harry pushes me away, walking towards the door. "Okay, then."

"Harry," I call, grabbing his arm before he leaves. "You know I love you so much, babe. But you know how I live in the present. I don't think about my future... and you know my mom and dad had a bad divorce. I'm just scared... of thinking of relationships and the future and things like that. Because... cause I don't want to mess it up with you. You're incredibly perfect...."

Harry's green eyes widen and I see his frown begins to melt into a softer expression. "I'm sorry about your parents. I didn't know... haven't met them..."

"You will one day, babe," I say with a smile. "I'm taking you to Germany eventually. You'll meet them."

Harry smiles and pinches my cheek lightly. "That's my wish then. To go to Germany."

"Okay," I reply. "That's mine too."

How We Met: A Tinder Story (Larry Stylinson)✅Where stories live. Discover now